Suffolk Law Summer 2019 Student Handbook
whether there is a violation and what, if any sanctions shall apply, is solely within the discretion of the Director of Title IX Compliance. The Director of Title IX Compliance reserves the right to consult with other University administrators when determining and imposing sanctions.
The anticipated resolution of a Complaint is 60 days from the date that the Complaint is made to the Director of Title IX Compliance. The resolution process may take longer and every effort will be made to inform the Complainant and Respondent of time delays.
VIII. Standard of Proof The standard used in determining the responsibility of the Respondent(s) is the “preponderance of the evidence,” standard, which is whether the evidence gathered and information provided during the investigation supports a finding that it is more likely than not that the Respondent violated the Policy On Sexual Misconduct. IX. Amnesty A Complainant who files a report of Sexual Misconduct, or a Third Party who reports or is a witness to Sexual Misconduct will not be subject to sanctions/disciplinary action by the University for their improper use of alcohol or drugs provided that they are acting in good faith as a Complainant, Reporter or witness to the events. Students, whether as parties to the proceedings or as witnesses, are expected to provide truthful testimony. X. Advisers Both the Complainant and Respondent are entitled to bring an adviser of their choosing to any meeting or interview with them in connection with an Investigation. The role of the Adviser during any meeting or interview is non-participatory. In keeping with the University’s obligation to promptly resolve Sexual Misconduct complaints, the University reserves the right to proceed with any meeting or interview regardless of the availability of the selected Adviser. XI. Withdrawal of a Student Respondent During the Investigation, Review or Appeal If a Student Respondent withdraws from the University while an Investigation, Review or Appeal is pending, the following entry shall be made on the student's transcript: "Withdrew while disciplinary proceedings pending." A student who withdraws while such Investigation or proceeding is pending shall not be eligible to be readmitted to the University until the Investigation or proceeding has been completed and the Director of Title IX Compliance has determined that the Respondent is eligible for readmission.
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