Suffolk Law Student Handbook
Class rank will be recorded on the transcript for any student who requests it. For first-year students only, section rank will also be recorded at the student’s option.
A first year student receiving fewer than 25 credit hours in the day division or fewer than 16 credit hours in the evening division will not receive a class rank. Without a class rank a student may not be eligible for certain honors including but not limited to some scholarships and honor board competitions.
Examination Numbers
Examination numbers are used in all examinations. Only those students who have fulfilled their financial obligations to the University will receive examination numbers. A student must take the courses and examinations for the section in which he or she is enrolled.
The Examination Rules and Regulations govern all examinations. The Examination Rules and Regulations are available on the Law School’s web-site and Portal.
Failure to Take Examinations
No student may fail to take an examination scheduled for his or her program of study or take an examination not so scheduled. If for some compelling reason beyond his or her control the student is unable to take a scheduled examination, the student should contact the Dean of Students before missing the exam or as soon as practicable thereafter to request relief under the Exam Postponement Policy. An unapproved failure to take a scheduled examination will result in a grade of F for the examination. If the Dean of Students approves a student’s request to postpone an exam and it is not feasible for the student to take the exam within 30 days of its regular administration or within a reasonable timeframe for grading if shorter, the student will be given an Exam Excusal and the student’s grade for the course will be recorded temporarily as an “X”. A permanent grade of F will be recorded if the student fails to take the next regularly scheduled examination in the course. In situations where it is not feasible for the student to take an examination the next time it is offered after receiving an Exam Excusal, an Academic Associate Dean shall have discretion to determine a resolution.
A student who without permission fails to sit for a final examination will receive a grade of F for the course and may be dismissed.
No record will be made or credit given for an unapproved taking of any examination.
Note: In accordance with the provisions of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (Section 438 of the General Education Provisions Act, 20 U.S.C § 1232 (g)), commonly known as the “Buckley Amendment”, Suffolk University has adopted regulations to protect the privacy rights
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