Suffolk Law Student Handbook
Tardiness and Early Departures
Excessive tardiness or early departures from class may result in exclusion from a course under this policy. Excusals will not be granted for tardiness or early departures for normal and foreseeable commutes or work schedules.
Religious Observances
Absences on any particular day for religious observances are permitted in accordance with Mass. Gen. Laws Ch. 151C, §2B.
Academic Standing Requirements
First-year students
The provisions of section 1 apply to all first-year students, except that application of these provisions to students in the Accelerated JD Program shall be subject to the modifications set forth in section 1.e.
(All other students are subject to the provisions of section 2 – Upper-class Students .)
First-Semester Academic Standing
At the end of the first semester, a student is not in good academic standing and will be dismissed from the law school if either of the following applies:
a. the student receives final grades that are unsatisfactory in three of the student’s first semester courses, or b. the student receives two or more final grades of D+ or lower in first semester courses The dismissal is final, and there is no appeal of the dismissal. The academic performance and individual circumstances of students who are dismissed pursuant to this section are not subject to review by the Academic Standing Committee. The Academic Standing Committee will review a student who has unsatisfactory final grades in two courses for the first semester but who does not fall under II. C. 1. a. i. Such a student is not in good academic standing and may be dismissed. The Committee may vote to allow the student to continue on academic probation. The Committee may also set other conditions of the student’s continued enrollment, including but not limited to a reduction in course load, participation in academic and other student support programs or courses, repeat of certain courses, or a leave
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