Suffolk Law Student Handbook
CAS/SBS students with disabilities who are unsatisfied with the response from the Director of Disability Services may submit an appeal within 5 business days to the ADA Coordinator, Dr. Ann Coyne, Dean of Students, Student Affairs Office, 12th floor 73 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02108, 617-573-8239, TDD: 617-557- 4875, Students with disabilities must state the resolution they are seeking. The decision of the appeal by the Dean of Students is final. Law Students wishing to file a grievance may request an informal meeting with the Law School Dean of Students to appeal a decision made regarding accommodations. As soon as possible following the informal meeting, the Dean of Students will notify the student in writing of any changes to the decision. If the student disagrees with the decision of the Dean of Students, the student may file a written appeal to an Academic Associate Dean. The written appeal should state in detail the basis for the appeal and furnish all relevant documentation in support of the appeal. The Associate Dean of Students and the Dean of Students will also provide the Academic Associate Dean with any documentation or information relevant to the decision in question. In reviewing the appeal, the Academic Associate Dean may request a meeting with the student and may also request additional information pertinent to the appeal. After review, the Academic Associate Dean will issue a written decision to the student. The decision of the Academic Associate Dean regarding the reasonable accommodation is final and not subject to appeal. The University works to prevent and address discrimination and harassment through educational programs, training, and complaint resolution. Suffolk University encourages all members of the University community to report any concerns or complaints of discrimination or harassment in accordance with the procedures set forth in this policy. Managers and supervisors are required to respond promptly and appropriately to allegations of discrimination and harassment that are brought to their attention.
Submitting a complaint that is not in good faith or providing false or misleading information in any investigation of complaints is prohibited.
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