Suffolk Law Student Handbook
Online Student Facebook: Suffolk University Law School maintains an Online Student Facebook which is contained within Campus Cruiser. The Online Student Facebook contains digital photographs of students, year/section and undergraduate institution. Only those students who have agreed, in writing, to adhere to the Online Student Facebook Terms of Use will be allowed to access this information. The Online Student Facebook Terms of Use allows students with access to print the Online Student Facebook information for their private use. Blackboard: Suffolk University Law School maintains Blackboard, which is a course learning management tool. When students post a message to a discussion board, their name and e-mail address will appear, unless they post anonymously. Students may also choose to include additional information (for example, address or telephone number) and may make this contact information available to members of the class or those in the directory on the Blackboard system. Please complete a Student Directory Opt-Out Request to opt-out of inclusion in Blackboard. We encourage all students to participate in these methods of communication; however, we recognize your right, under FERPA, to “opt-out” from the release of directory information. Please note that, even if you opt-out, photos and all other directory information will always be available to law school faculty, administration and staff with legitimate educational interests as defined by FERPA. Those wishing to withhold information and/or photos from the above paper and online directories must submit a completed Student Directory Opt-Out Request to the Academic Services Office no later than Friday of the first week of classes. Please note that online information and/or photos may be removed at a later date only in extraordinary circumstances and with permission of the Dean of Students.
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