Suffolk Law Student Handbook
and costs. Student learning will include critical practice management tools in accounting and billing, marketing, external controls (financial auditing and effectiveness assessments) and other business competencies. The goal is that through the Accelerator Practice, students will learn a replicable model for building a sustainable and profitable practice. In the summer between their first and second year, students will complete a residency at a solo or small private practice with a required pedagogical component similar to an externship seminar designed to contextualize the student experience. In the summer between their second and third year, students will be employed in the Accelerator Practice or in a solo or small practice engaged in succession planning with the goal of the student entering the practice after graduation with the likelihood of succession. In their third year, students will practice in the Accelerator Practice through mandatory enrollment in a full year eight credit clinical-type course. TRANSFER BETWEEN DIVISIONS The Law School does not allow a student to transfer between divisions unless the student can present a compelling reason for such a transfer. A request for transfer should take the form of a petition addressed to the Assistant Dean for Academic Services. Division transfers will not be permitted until the expiration of one full year. Evening to Day Students requesting transfer after the first year in the evening division should file a petition no later than March 1. To make up the necessary credits and residency requirements to meet degree requirements the student must follow one of two tracks: Track I In the spring of the first year, enroll in the day division Constitutional Law course (4 credits) in addition to the regular spring semester evening courses. A petition to overload must be filed. And Enroll in one Suffolk University Law School Summer Boston session, or equivalent sessions, of at least 4 credits Track II Enroll in two Suffolk University Law School Summer Boston sessions, or equivalent sessions, totaling no less than 8 credits. For those students who request a transfer to the day division after or during the second year in the evening division, a determination will be made at the time of transfer based on the number of credits and days in residence completed as to the remaining degree requirements. Students interested in transferring from the evening division to the day division should consult with the Assistant Dean for Academic Services. X.
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