Suffolk Law Student Handbook
paper or other project for a course by the end of the term, the grade for the course will be recorded temporarily as “I” for “incomplete.” A student who without permission fails to sit for an examination will receive a grade of F for the course and may be dismissed. G. Reexaminations A student in good academic standing may take a reexamination in any course in which he or she has received an unsatisfactory grade of C-, D+, D, or D-. A student who wishes to take a reexamination must register for the reexamination at least 30 days before the examination period begins. Reexamination must be in the same division, unless the Assistant Dean for Academic Services, the Dean of Students or an Associate Dean waives this requirement for good cause. The reexamination option does not apply to a grade of F. Reexaminations shall be graded on a Pass / Unsatisfactory / Fail basis. The grade on the reexamination shall appear on the student’s transcript along with the original unsatisfactory grade, but only the original grade will be counted in the student’s overall grade point average. However, if a student receives a Pass on the reexamination, he or she shall be deemed to have a satisfactory grade in the course for purposes of the regulation (Regulation I (A) (3)) barring graduation with unsatisfactory grades in more than three courses, and he or she shall be deemed to have satisfactorily completed the course for purposes of any prescribed prerequisite requirement under Regulation II (C) (4) (f). The Reexamination shall have no effect for purposes of Regulations I (B), I (C), or II (C) (4) (b). Students taking reexaminations must take the examination prepared by the professor who gave the original examination, unless exempted from this requirement, in writing, by an Associate Dean. No such exemption is required, however, if the professor is no longer teaching the course. Grades received in reexaminations are final. Only one reexamination may be taken in any one course. Reexamination is not an option for students who are not in good academic standing, and it does not serve as a way for students to raise their G.P.A.s or to avoid action under the Academic Standing Requirements (Regulation II.C.). H. Privacy Note: In accordance with the provisions of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (Section 438 of the General Education Provisions Act, 20 U.S.C § 1232 (g)), commonly known as the “Buckley Amendment”, Suffolk University has adopted regulations to protect the privacy rights of its students. A copy of these regulations is available in the University Registrar’s Office and on the Law School’s web-site and Portal.
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