Suffolk Law Student Handbook
also register with Suffolk University’s international emergency assistance plan, regardless of whether such a plan is compulsory at the school or program the student is visiting. 4. Electives not Offered at Suffolk or at Another Law School with a Reciprocity Agreement. In a situation where an upper-class student wishes to take an individual elective course not offered by Suffolk (or a school with which Suffolk has a reciprocity agreement), the student may be approved to take the elective at another local ABA-approved law school. Day students will not be permitted to take less than 10 credits at Suffolk University Law School in the semester during which they enroll in the non-Suffolk elective, nor take less than 10 credits in any future semester at Suffolk University Law School as a result of transferring in these credits. Evening students will not be permitted to take less than 7 credits at Suffolk University Law School in the semester during which they enroll in the non-Suffolk elective, nor take less than 7 credits in any future semester at Suffolk University Law School as a result of transferring in these credits. No more than one non- Suffolk course will be approved for a student. Students must be in good standing and receive pre-approval for such study from the Dean of Students Office. In order to transfer credits to Suffolk University Law School in accordance with one of the above exceptions, students must be in good standing and remain in good standing for the duration of the visit. Please note that, due to the timing of grade releases, students who were initially in good standing at the time the visit was approved may fail to remain in good standing while already participating in a visiting session. Students who are no longer in good standing are not eligible to transfer credits into Suffolk Law School from the visiting program. If a student is given permission to transfer credits to Suffolk University Law School in accordance with one of the above exceptions, credits will transfer only for pre-approved courses in which the student receives a grade of 2.00 or better on a 4.00 scale (or its equivalent). In addition, no grades received at another school will appear on the student’s Suffolk transcript and the grades received at the other school will be recorded as “T” (transfer) and will not be calculated into the student’s Suffolk grade point average. However, the names of the courses for which credit transferred, the corresponding credit amounts, and name of the school the student visited will appear on the student’s Suffolk transcript. Transcripts must be submitted by the visiting school in which the student is enrolled for each semester to the Assistant Dean for Academic Services. Transcripts must be submitted no later than January 15 for the fall semester and no later than the Friday prior to Commencement for students graduating in May, without prior approval from the Assistant Dean for Academic Services. Transcripts not received on time for graduating students without prior approval will postpone the student’s graduation to the next regularly scheduled graduation date. Students are encouraged to report this information to the visiting school upon acceptance as a visiting student. Approved students must meet all other requirements and deadlines set at the time of their approval to study at another law school.
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