Suffolk Law Student Handbook 2019-2020
be taken in the student’s final semester), these courses may be taken at any time prior to graduation and they serve as a substitute for the Base Menu requirements that are applicable to students who are not on Academic Warning. Students on Academic Warning remain subject to all other graduation requirements. Students who receive an unsatisfactory grade in the above courses must participate in the Academic Support Program and are required to repeat the course in which the unsatisfactory grade was received. Course Guidance and Curriculum Review. Students are strongly urged to take advanced courses that serve to reinforce first-year courses in which they received unsatisfactory grades. Such courses may include advanced legal writing courses and such other courses as may be designated as appropriate by the Law Faculty. Students are also strongly urged to take advantage of all of the bar exam preparation opportunities offered at the law school.
Students on Academic Warning may not exceed the normal semester credit load for their division.
The Academic Warning designation is not subject to appeal.
[ Academic Warning course requirements amended by Faculty 3/2/17 ]
Guided Curriculum
Any student who completed their first-year prior to the 2016-2017 academic year with a cumulative GPA of 2.670 or higher but less than 3.000 in the first year must take Advanced Survey of Core Legal Principles in the student’s final year. Any student who completes their first year during the 2016-2017 academic year or later with a cumulative GPA of 2.670 or higher but less than 3.000 must complete all of the following courses in order to be eligible to graduate:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Trusts and Estates;
Business Entity Fundamentals;
Commercial Law Survey, Commercial Sales, or Secured Transactions;
Criminal Procedure; Family Law; and
Advanced Survey of Core Legal Principles (must be taken in the student’s
final year).
[Revisions to Rule II. C. 1. e. approved by law faculty on 5/19/16 and 3/2/17]
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