Suffolk Law - 2020 New Student Information Guide


First Year Day Division Classes will commence on Monday, August 24, 2020. Class times will vary Monday through Friday, but generally meet no earlier than 9:00 a.m. and no later than 3:00 p.m. Program of Study The first year program consists of two semesters or 30 credits for the year. The entire first year day class is randomly assigned into 3 sections: 1A, 1B, 1C. The Legal Practice Skills course is divided into smaller sections within each section A, B, or C. Your class section and LPS section will be available on My Suffolk when section assignments are completed. Registration for the Fall 2020 semester will be completed by the Office of Academic Services. FALL 2020 SPRING 2021 Course Credit Hours Course Credit Hours Contracts I 2 Contracts II 3 Civil Procedure 4 Torts 4 Property I 2 Property II 2 Criminal Law 4 Constitutional Law 4 Legal Practice Skills I 3 Legal Practice Skills II 2 TOTAL 15 TOTAL 15

Year 1:

Year 2:

Year 3:


30 credits

27 credits

27 credits

84 credits

8 | P a g e

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