Student Exam and Grading Guide 2023 2024


Examination Policies

Examination Rescheduling Requests

The exam period is intensive for all students. It is not uncommon for students to have exams on successive days or to have two exams in one day. Students are also expected to plan for the due dates of papers/projects assigned during the semester and to properly manage the time allotted for take-home examinations. It is expected that students will sit for all examinations as scheduled. Under certain circumstances however, the Law School Administration may grant a student the ability to take an examination after the original scheduled exam date. Make-up examinations are permitted for the following reasons: 1. A student has three proctored examinations in 53 hours . In this case, the student may request that one be rescheduled. Take-home exams and papers/projects are not counted for the purposes of this provision. 2. A student has a direct conflict with two scheduled exams. This provision does not apply to situations where a student has a scheduled exam that falls at the same time a paper, project or take-home exam is due. 3. A student is taking a remote exam from another time zone such that the exam time would fall during the overnight or otherwise unreasonable hours 4. A student is experiencing an extraordinary personal matter or emergency situation which presents an unavoidable conflict with the exam. Examples of this include an issue relating to the health of the student, or close family member, or death of a loved-one, unexpected and unavoidable conflicts with work. Child/ elder care and other significant personal matters will be considered under this provision as well. Documentation is required for this type of request. Students who wish to request adjustment to their exam schedule must not discuss the matter with their professor. Students should never contact any faculty member regarding an exam reschedule as it will destroy anonymity in the exam process. Instead, students with three proctored exams in 53 hours should submit the online Examination Reschedule form. Students seeking to reschedule exams due to an emergency situation or extraordinary personal matter should contact the Dean of Students Office. A rescheduled examination will be administered on a date no earlier than the date originally set. The Office of Academic Services administers all make-up exams. The make-up examination will take place on the closest available make-up date after the original examination date. Under extraordinary circumstances, make-up examinations may occur after the examination period, but not later than 30 days after the end of the exam period.

Please note: examinations rescheduled to a make-up date after the original exam date will be permitted to use Examplify. Students will need to download a new make-up exam template e.g.:


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If, after the Office of Academic Services has rescheduled an examination, there is a change in a student’s exam schedule (withdrawal from a course, change in examination administration) which would eliminate the conflict, it is the student’s responsibility to notify OAS. The Office of Academic Services will determine whether the student’s eligibility for a rescheduled examination still exists.

Failure to Take Examinations

No student may fail to take an examination scheduled for his or her program of study or take an examination not so scheduled. If for some compelling reason beyond his or her control the student is unable to take a scheduled examination, the student should contact the Dean of Students before missing the exam or as soon as practicable thereafter to request relief under the Exam Postponement Policy. An unapproved failure to take a scheduled

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