Student Exam and Grading Guide 2023 2024
she will review the issue with the Dean of Law and Graduate Affairs and Deans. If they agree that there could be an issue, the student will be notified and given an opportunity to respond to the concern. If, after hearing from the student, the deans believe there has be en a violation, the Law School’s student disciplinary procedure will apply, just as it would for our live exams.
Minimizing the Likelihood of B eing “ F lagged”
Again, it is important to note that being “flagged” is only the system notifying us of something that could potentially be an irregularity (see above). However, having less “flags” in the exams will ma ke it easier for the Academic Services Office to process the exams once completed. To reduce “flags” during your exam, please keep your face fully visible by the camera while you are taking the exam and if you need to take a restroom break, say “bathroom” or “restroom break” out loud. Please also do your best to avoid speaking out loud as you read the exam questions or prepare your answers.
Headphones or Earplug Usage During a Remote Proctored Exam
During a remote proctored exam, you are only permitted to wear non-mechanical earplugs. Headphones are not permitted. If you need a pair of non-mechanical earplugs, please contact the Office of Academic Services and earplugs will be mailed to you.
Reliable Internet Connection for Remotely Proctored Exams
Students only need access to the internet when downloading and uploading the exam, i.e., before and after the exam, but not while it is being taken. If there is an internet disruption at the time of upload, the exam will remain securely on the student’s mac hine until it can be uploaded properly. (Though the exam can be uploaded after the exam time is concluded, it will be encrypted and only accessible to an exam administrator.) The Examplify software is saving exam data every minute.
Uploading my Exam
This could be an issue for exams that use ExamMonitor (remote proctoring) but the issue is usually only associated with older versions of the software. To help avoid this problem, please make sure you have downloaded the latest version of Examsoft. If you h ave problems with this on exam day, please call Examsoft’s help line (866 -429-8889) and if this impacts your ability to access another exam, please contact Dean Cove at
Early Exam Start
We understand that start times may vary slightly. The exam software will adjust for variances in start times within the allowable “start window” so that all students will have the same amount of time for the exam despite these variances. (Example: in a 3-hour exam scheduled for 9:30am, a student starts the exam at 9:26am. In this case, the exam will terminate at 12:26pm. Similarly, if a student starts the exam at 9:32am, the exam will terminate at 12:32pm.) The “start window” is defined as the time between the p ublication of the exam password (usually 15 minutes before the published start time) and 10 minutes after the published start of the exam. Students will not be permitted to start the exam outside of the “start window”. If a student is unable to start the exam during the “start window”, they must contact Dean Cove at Students who do not start an exam before the conclusion of the “start window” may not receive the full time for the exam.
Technology Failure During the Exam
If you experience a technical problem with Examsoft, please call the ExamTaker Support Line: 866-429-8889 or 954-429-8889.
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