Student Exam and Grading Guide 2023 2024


1. Closed-Book, Timed Examination

Method of administration

Examsoft (Examplify)

• Students take the exam at the specific time designated for their course in the Law School’s exam schedule • Examsoft virtual proctoring (ExamMonitor) • Student’s computer will be “locked down” during the exam • Student will not be able to access other applications, files, or internet on exam computer • Students will not be able to print exam questions

Monitoring and exam integrity

Permitted sources and devices

• •

No books or notes

No devices of any kind

• No physical scrap paper (but Examplify provides “virtual s crap paper”)

2. Open-Book, Timed Examination

Method of administration

Examsoft (Examplify)

• Students take the exam at the specific time designated for their course in the Law School’s exam schedule • No virtual proctoring. ExamMonitor will be deactivated • Students will have access to files on their exam computer • Students will not have access to the internet from their exam computer during the exam • Students will not be able to print exam questions

Monitoring and exam integrity

Permitted sources and devices

Open book

• Other electronic devices generally not permitted unless professor allows

Why are some exams being remote proctored?

For faculty who wish to administer an exam that is similar to the type of exam students would take in a live proctoring situation, the remote proctoring helps to ensure that all students have a fair exam experience.

Remote Proctoring Technologies

Exams will be administered with remote exam proctoring technologies. •

ExamMonitor is a remote proctoring application that records an exam taker while the exam is in progress. After the footage is uploaded at the conclusion of the exam, artificial intelligence algorithms flag any irregular patterns for review by human experts at ExamSoft’s partner, ProctorU. An “incident report” is then sent to the Law School for further review by our own staff and administrators. More information about ExamMonitor can be found here.


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