Student Exam and Grading Guide 2023 2024
Student Exam & Grading Guide 2023-2024
Published by: Office of Academic Services September 2023
Table of Contents Examinations ............................................................................................................................................................. 5 Assessment Methods ............................................................................................................................................... 5 Types of Examination.............................................................................................................................................. 5 Examination Accommodations ................................................................................................................................ 5 Midterm/Mock Examinations .................................................................................................................................. 5 Final Examinations .................................................................................................................................................. 6 Examination Numbers ............................................................................................................................................. 6 Academic Support ................................................................................................................................................... 6 Law Library ............................................................................................................................................................. 7 Reading Period ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 Examination Schedule ............................................................................................................................................. 7 Withdrawing from Classes during the Examination Period ..................................................................................... 7 Proctored Examinations - Know the Rules .............................................................................................................. 7 Examplify/ExamSoft ................................................................................................................................................. 8 ExamSoft / Examplify ............................................................................................................................................. 8 Examplify Software Download Instructions ............................................................................................................ 8 Download Course Exam Files Instructions .............................................................................................................. 9 Practice / Examplify Mock Exam ............................................................................................................................ 9 Examplify Features .................................................................................................................................................. 9 Multiple Choice Examinations .............................................................................................................................. 10 Essay Examinations ............................................................................................................................................... 10 Character Count ..................................................................................................................................................... 10 Remote Exams ...................................................................................................................................................... 10 Take-Home Exams, Papers & Projects .................................................................................................................. 14 Extension Requests for Papers, Projects and Take-Home Exams .......................................................................... 14 Academic Integrity ................................................................................................................................................ 15 On Exam Day........................................................................................................................................................... 16 In-Person Examinations ....................................................................................................................................... 16 What to Bring to Exams ........................................................................................................................................ 16 What NOT to Bring ............................................................................................................................................... 16 On the Day of Exams............................................................................................................................................. 17 Proctors.................................................................................................................................................................. 18 Beginning the Exam .............................................................................................................................................. 19 Examplify Issues During the Exam ....................................................................................................................... 19 Uploading Examplify ............................................................................................................................................ 20
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Academic Integrity ................................................................................................................................................ 21 Emergencies on Exam Day ..................................................................................................................................... 22 Inclement Weather Delay ...................................................................................................................................... 22 Late Arrival ........................................................................................................................................................... 22 Exam Interruption .................................................................................................................................................. 22 Emergency Procedure During an Exam ................................................................................................................. 23 Examination Policies ............................................................................................................................................... 24 Examination Rescheduling Requests ..................................................................................................................... 24 Failure to Take Examinations ................................................................................................................................ 24 Grading .................................................................................................................................................................... 26 Grading Systems .................................................................................................................................................... 26 JD Grading Scale ................................................................................................................................................... 26 LL.M and Exchange Students Alternative Grading Scale...................................................................................... 27 Additional Transcript Notations ............................................................................................................................ 27 Calculation of Grade Point Average (GPA)........................................................................................................... 27 Grading Policy....................................................................................................................................................... 28 Pass/Fail Grades .................................................................................................................................................... 28 Non-Classroom Activities...................................................................................................................................... 29 Extensions Beyond End of Semester ..................................................................................................................... 29 Grades Earned at non-Suffolk Law School Programs............................................................................................ 29 Grade Release ........................................................................................................................................................ 30 Class Rank ............................................................................................................................................................. 30 Dean’s List............................................................................................................................................................. 30 Jurisprudence Awards............................................................................................................................................ 31 Reference .................................................................................................................................................................. 32 General Rules for all Exams .................................................................................................................................. 32 Rules for Remote-proctored Exams ....................................................................................................................... 33 Rules for Live-proctored Exams ............................................................................................................................ 33 Hand-written Exams ............................................................................................................................................. 35
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Student Exam and Grading Guide This Student Exam and Grading Guide explains the policies and procedures in place for the administration of exams, projects, papers, take-home exams and the submission and subsequent release of grades. Any student with questions or concerns related to examination and grading policies and procedures should contact the Office of Academic Services at:
Lorraine D. Cove Office of Academic Services 120 Tremont Street, Suite 130 617-573-8160
The Office of Academic Services administers all Law School in-house examinations, is responsible for the oversight of take-home examinations, and implements policies and procedures on behalf of the faculty and administration of the Law School.
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Assessment Methods
Course instructors may use a number of different assessment methods for grading students, including quizzes, one or more assignments (papers, memos, drafting exercises, simulations, oral exercises or presentations), class participation, mid-term examination, final examination, or final paper. The instructor will notify students of the grading method used.
Only students who are officially registered for courses may take examinations in those courses.
Types of Examination
In a closed book examination , the examinee cannot bring any materials into the examination area.
In an open book examination , the examinee may bring printed materials without limitations into the examination area. *
In a limited open book examination , the examinee may bring only the specified, printed materials authorized by the faculty member into the examination area. All materials brought into the examination will, in fairness to all, be subject to inspection, and students who are deemed to have violated the terms of the limited open book allowance will have the material in question taken away and will not be able to refer to it during the examination. *
E-books and other electronic materials are not permitted in open book or limited open book exams.
Examination Accommodations
Disability Services evaluates all requests for services and accommodations in conjunction with Suffolk University Law School policies. Students with permanent or temporary disabilities seeking accommodations must complete an accommodations request form and schedule an appointment with Disability Services by contacting Dean of Law Student Affairs, Ann McGonigle Santos, at the Student Affairs Office at or 617-573-8155. For more information about the process for requesting exam accommodations see Suffolk University Law School's Academic Accommodations Policy. If approved for accommodations, please note that accommodations are not automatically set up for each course or for each semester. Students must submit requests for exam accommodations each year, depending on the duration of accommodations specified in each student's accommodations approval letter.
Midterm/Mock Examinations
Midterm Examinations are defined as in-house examinations required of all students in a class and for whom grades earned will count toward the final term grade. Students will be provided with a secondary unique exam number for the midterm examination that is different than the exam number used for the end of term examination Web Advisor> Law Exam Information > My Examination Numbers > Term > 23/FLM . Midterm exams may count up to 50% of the final grade.
Mock Examinations are defined as an in-class examination that will not count toward the final grade.
Assignments are defined as those exercises that may be a take-home examination or other assignments or
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quizzes that may or may not count toward the final grade.
• Examplify is available to students for midterm examinations.
• Students will be assigned examination numbers for all midterm examinations, except for LPS. All LPS assignments will be completed using the XX/FL or XX/SL term examination numbers and not the XX/FLM or XX/SLM examination numbers.
Final Examinations
Final examinations may be essay only, multiple choice only, or a combination of essay and multiple choice. Final examinations are generally three hours or less, except for Summer Tax LLM examinations which are four hours in duration. Students will be provided with a separate unique exam number for the final examination that is different than the exam number used for the midterm examination Web Advisor> Law Exam Information > My Examination Numbers > Term > 23/FL .
Examination Numbers
A unique examination number is provided to each student for each exam the student takes each semester to facilita te “blind grading”. No student’s name or any other identifying information, other than the examination number, may appear on a student’s exam. Faculty are provided with a grading roster containing examination numbers only for the assignment of the exam grade. Examination numbers are posted on Web Advisor > Law Exam Information > My Examination Numbers in advance of the examination period. A secondary unique examination number will be provided to students for any midterm exam that will count towards a final grade. Examination Academic Integrity cards are distributed in each exam. This card displays your examination number.
To keep examinations anonymous, remember:
• Always use your exam number on your exam NOT your Student ID number.
• Never identify yourself to the Professor in any manner whatsoever in the typed exam or exam booklet.
• Never speak with your Professor regarding a rescheduling of your exam or any accommodations you receive.
• Do NOT call or email your Professor about the exam after the examination has been administered
• and prior to the date on which grades are posted by the Office of Academic Services. Please contact the Office of Academic Services for assistance with any examination issues.
Maintaining the integrity of the anonymous grading system is a student responsibility and a critical component to student conduct. Breaching anonymity constitutes a violation of the Law School's Academic Integrity Rule (II.F) as set forth in the Student Handbook and is subject to disciplinary action.
Academic Support
Professors in the law school’s Academic Support Program (ASP) are available to help every student master the skills needed to excel in their law school examinations. To start, ASP offers voluntary classes during the fall semester. By early October, the focus in these classes is exam preparation. Every lecture is recorded and made available online so that you can access these materials wherever works best for you. In addition, any student can
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EXAMINATION INFORMATION schedule a meeting – or a series of meetings – with an ASP Professor to address exam preparation. During these meetings, you will be shown how to: organize a legal argument; incorporate the law into your answer; utilize the facts to support your conclusions; and effectively address reasonable alternative points of view. Students who have any questions about how ASP can help, please contact Professor Ramy, at
Law Library
The Moakley Law Library occupies floors six and seven of Sargent Hall. The Law Library provides comfortable research and study areas, study rooms, and study carrels. The library has many resources that can help prepare you for examinations. For more information please click HERE.
Reading Period
There will be a reading period of approximately 2 days, between the end of classes and the start of the final examination period.
Examination Schedule
A tentative Fall 2023 exam schedule is available at the time of registration and is rarely changed. This can be viewed on this Website. Students are cautioned not to schedule any commitments during the examination period which may interfere with their exam schedule. A Snow Make-Up Day is scheduled in December, should examinations be postponed due to inclement weather. Examinations are scheduled Monday-Saturday. No exams are held on Sundays. Students who are unable to take exams on certain days for religious reasons, who have 3 proctored examinations within a 53 hour period, or who have extreme extenuating circumstances may submit an Examination Reschedule Request form to move an examination to the next Make-Up date. Students should never contact any faculty member regarding an exam reschedule as it will destroy anonymity in the exam process. Students who reschedule an examination will be eligible to use Examplify for the rescheduled exam provided the missed examination is rescheduled to the make-up date immediately following the original examination date. Examination room assignments are published at least two weeks prior to the start of the exam period and are posted on the LAW-STU-CLASS-LAW SCHOOL Exam Schedule with Rooms. Students with approved examination accommodations as provided by the Dean of Students Office will receive written notification from the Office of Academic Services of the exam accommodations, times, and locations for each scheduled examination.
Withdrawing from Classes during the Examination Period
No student may withdraw from a class after the examination period begins or while consideration of his or her academic standing is pending.
Proctored Examinations - Know the Rules
The rules regarding taking exams are very strict. You should familiarize yourself with all of the Examination Rules and Regulations to ensure compliance.
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ExamSoft / Examplify
ExamSoft is the company that creates the examination application Examplify. Examplify is special software that allows students to type examinations on personal laptops in a secure and encrypted word processing environment. It prevents the use of other computer programs installed on a student’s laptop; students are unable to access the Internet, computerized notes, documents, outlines or other materials during the exam. If students are permitted to bring notes in to the examination they must print the notes in advance. Any attempt to access other computer files or programs during the examination will be logged and reported to the Assistant Dean for Academic Services. A laptop power cord is required for Examplify. Because of the processes occurring while using Examplify, laptop batteries may not provide sufficient power. Students who do not have a power cord will not be able to use Examplify and will need to handwrite the exam.
Examination questions are distributed in paper format. Only responses to examination questions are typed and uploaded. Exam course templates will be available for download 24 hours prior to the start of the examination.
All students are automatically registered for Examplify, which provides a secure and encrypted word processing environment. If you have Examplify installed from a previous term, you will be required to update to the latest versions (2.8.0) which will require you to restart your computer. Once you restart, you may need to open, close, and re-open Examplify to be able to see your exams.
To install Examplify for the first time, follow these instructions:
Examplify Software Download Instructions
1. Go to, click on Student/Exam Takers, enter Suffolk University Law School as the Institution and select Examsoft Portal 2. Log in with your username (i.e. jdoe) and for your Password use your Suffolk Student ID number. 3. Follow steps for Examplify installation. Institution ID is: suffolklaw 4. Click Download and run the installation. 5. Read (scroll all the way through) license agreement and click "I Agree" button. 6. After installation an Examplify icon will appear on your desktop.
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Download Course Exam Files Instructions
1. Launch Examplify by double-clicking on the Examplify icon 2. Click on “Download Exam Files” and enter your username (My Suffolk username) 3. Click “Next”. There is no download password. 4. Click “Next”. Highlight your exams and click “download”. 5. Select the appropriate Fall (FL or FLM) or Spring (SL or SLM) course examination template.
PROPERTY_I_102-1C Instructor FLM23 (Fall Midterm exam) PROPERTY_I_102-1C Instructor FL23 (Fall final exam) PROPERTY_I_152-1C Instructor SLM24 (Spring Midterm exam) PROPERTY_I_152-1C Instructor SL24 (Spring final exam)
Students should not download the course templates ending with MUFLM-, MUFL-, MUSLM-, MUSL- unless they have been instructed to do so.
Practice / Examplify Mock Exam
Students who have not used Examplify before, who have just done a major upgrade of Examplify, or who have a new computer are strongly recommended to take a practice test prior to the examination period to ensure compatibility with software and familiarity with features. A mock examination template is available for this purpose:
Use password SULS1234 and use 1234567 as the exam number
23FL-Mock Exam
Directions for the mock exam process will be emailed to all students and will be posted in LAW-STU-CLASS- Law School on Canvas .
Examplify Features
Limited word-processor: No spell check, grammar check or thesaurus function will be available.
Autosave: Examplify automatically saves the examination answer file every minute. This ensures that no work will be lost in the event of a power outage or computer shutdown.
Exam Log: In addition to the examination answer file, a separate file maintains a record of certain examination data. As well as providing a log of examination settings, this file also records the time the student started the exam, the time the examination was ended by the student and any irregularities that might have occurred. The irregularity report will include any restart, total lapsed time and if the examination was exited normally. This information may only be accessed by authorized personnel. Restricted Printing and Exam File Access: The typed examination is saved in an encrypted format. Once the examination has ended, the examination may only be opened and printed by authorized personnel. Students will not have an opportunity to review their exam in printed form. The encrypted examination will be printed on the next business day following the administration of the examination, and should a problem occur with a student's printed examination, the Office of Academic Services will notify the student.
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Multiple Choice Examinations
Examinations may be entirely multiple choice or have a multiple choice component.
For the 23/FL In-Person and Remote examinations, students will respond to the multiple choice examinations on Examplify, and will not use scantrons.
If your exam includes multiple choice questions, make sure to select an answer. Do not "strike out" an answer.
Essay Examinations
If your exam includes essay questions as well as multiple choice, the multiple choice questions will come first. You can answer the questions in any order.
Character Count
There will be examinations for which the faculty member will impose restrictions on the number of words or characters. Examplify keeps track of character count and word count, by question, for you.
Remote Examinations
Students who are enrolled in courses offered remotely will take examinations, if scheduled for these courses, remotely on Examsoft/Examplify.
Glossary of Exam Administration Tools
Examsoft: software vendor that owns Examplify , ExamMonitor , and ExamID Examplify: software application (by Examsoft) that allows students to take exams on their laptop ExamMonitor: virtual proctoring software application and service (by Examsoft) that records students while they take their exams ExamID: software application (by Examsoft) that uses facial recognition technology to verify a student’s identity. This functionality will not be used in any of Suffolk’s fall final examinations. ExamMonitor Virtual Proctoring : Students are recorded using their computer’s video camera while they are taking th eir exams. The recordings are uploaded with students’ exam answers after the exam and are processed and reviewed at a later time. An internet connection is not required during the exam. All monitoring recordings are forwarded to the school. ExamMonitor implements a combination of AI software algorithms and human validation to mark certain recordings for review by the law school. ExamMonitor does not employ facial recognition technology. It is entirely up to the school (the deans and faculty) to determine whether to pursue any matter with a student. Based on prior experience, this is rare. Routine activities such as restroom breaks are expressly permitted and will not be problematic.
1. Closed-Book, Timed Examination
Method of administration
Examsoft (Examplify)
• Students take the exam at the specific time designated for their course in the Law School’s exam schedule • Examsoft virtual proctoring (ExamMonitor) • Student’s computer will be “locked down” during the exam • Student will not be able to access other applications, files, or internet on exam computer • Students will not be able to print exam questions
Monitoring and exam integrity
Permitted sources and devices
• •
No books or notes
No devices of any kind
• No physical scrap paper (but Examplify provides “virtual s crap paper”)
2. Open-Book, Timed Examination
Method of administration
Examsoft (Examplify)
• Students take the exam at the specific time designated for their course in the Law School’s exam schedule • No virtual proctoring. ExamMonitor will be deactivated • Students will have access to files on their exam computer • Students will not have access to the internet from their exam computer during the exam • Students will not be able to print exam questions
Monitoring and exam integrity
Permitted sources and devices
Open book
• Other electronic devices generally not permitted unless professor allows
Why are some exams being remote proctored?
For faculty who wish to administer an exam that is similar to the type of exam students would take in a live proctoring situation, the remote proctoring helps to ensure that all students have a fair exam experience.
Remote Proctoring Technologies
Exams will be administered with remote exam proctoring technologies. •
ExamMonitor is a remote proctoring application that records an exam taker while the exam is in progress. After the footage is uploaded at the conclusion of the exam, artificial intelligence algorithms flag any irregular patterns for review by human experts at ExamSoft’s partner, ProctorU. An “incident report” is then sent to the Law School for further review by our own staff and administrators. More information about ExamMonitor can be found here.
ExamID Function
We do not use the ExamID facial recognition feature to identify exam takers. Instead, students should show their school or government-issued ID to the camera at the beginning of each ExamSoft exam. Accordingly, in all classes in which the faculty member has chosen a closed book, proctored exam, the Law School will implement remote proctoring (using ExamSoft’s Exam Monitor feature) , but students taking these remote exams are not subject to the facial recognition features of ExamID.
What type of computer or other technology do I need for remote exams?
• Internet Connection (when downloading and uploading exam) • Webcam Required • Microphone Required • 2 GB Free HDD space • 4 GB RAM Required, 8 GB recommended • CPU: Intel, M1, or M2 processor. Devices using Apple’s M1 and M2 processor and Apple Rosetta 2 are supported. • Windows 10 22H2, Windows 11 21H2, and Windows 11 22H2
Remote Proctored (ExamMonitor) Exam
At the start of any remote proctored exam, the system will take your photo. Please hold your student ID (or government-issued ID if you do not have a student ID) up next to your face for the photo and proceed to your exam. There is no need to move your computer to show the space in which you are taking the exam.
Restroom Break or Eat/Drink During Remote Exam
Absolutely. We understand that a quick break might be necessary, just as it is when you take exams in a live proctor situation. If you are taking a quick break, please say out loud that this is what you are doing. This will help us in excluding the quick break from any consideration of irregularities. And because you will be taking the exam in a private setting, there is no concern that eating or drinking will disturb another student. However, you must use clear containers for your food or drink.
Behavior Expected During a Remote Proctored Exam
Students are expected to behave in the same manner they would during a live proctored exam. In addition, the Law School understands that there are variables in a remote test-taking environment and that students cannot always control these variables. Dogs will bark, kids will interrupt, forgetful roommates will blast the TV, neighbors will start the leaf blower, etc. Do your best to minimize disruptions to the extent you can control them. Our goal here is to offer all students a fair exam experience.
Flagged for some issue ExamMonitor thinks is irregular
It is important to note that being “flagged” is only the system notifying us of something that could potentially be an irregularity. Being flagged does not mean that you did anything wrong. Instead, being flagged only means that a human will review the report to see if there is something that occurred that could be a violation of our academic integrity rules. ExamMonitor reports will be treated like the proctor reports that are collected from live proctors when we administer live exams. The Assistant Dean of Academic Services will review the reports, and in the unlikely event that there is something that appears to involve a violation of the exam integrity statement or student conduct rules,
she will review the issue with the Dean of Law and Graduate Affairs and Deans. If they agree that there could be an issue, the student will be notified and given an opportunity to respond to the concern. If, after hearing from the student, the deans believe there has be en a violation, the Law School’s student disciplinary procedure will apply, just as it would for our live exams.
Minimizing the Likelihood of B eing “ F lagged”
Again, it is important to note that being “flagged” is only the system notifying us of something that could potentially be an irregularity (see above). However, having less “flags” in the exams will ma ke it easier for the Academic Services Office to process the exams once completed. To reduce “flags” during your exam, please keep your face fully visible by the camera while you are taking the exam and if you need to take a restroom break, say “bathroom” or “restroom break” out loud. Please also do your best to avoid speaking out loud as you read the exam questions or prepare your answers.
Headphones or Earplug Usage During a Remote Proctored Exam
During a remote proctored exam, you are only permitted to wear non-mechanical earplugs. Headphones are not permitted. If you need a pair of non-mechanical earplugs, please contact the Office of Academic Services and earplugs will be mailed to you.
Reliable Internet Connection for Remotely Proctored Exams
Students only need access to the internet when downloading and uploading the exam, i.e., before and after the exam, but not while it is being taken. If there is an internet disruption at the time of upload, the exam will remain securely on the student’s mac hine until it can be uploaded properly. (Though the exam can be uploaded after the exam time is concluded, it will be encrypted and only accessible to an exam administrator.) The Examplify software is saving exam data every minute.
Uploading my Exam
This could be an issue for exams that use ExamMonitor (remote proctoring) but the issue is usually only associated with older versions of the software. To help avoid this problem, please make sure you have downloaded the latest version of Examsoft. If you h ave problems with this on exam day, please call Examsoft’s help line (866 -429-8889) and if this impacts your ability to access another exam, please contact Dean Cove at
Early Exam Start
We understand that start times may vary slightly. The exam software will adjust for variances in start times within the allowable “start window” so that all students will have the same amount of time for the exam despite these variances. (Example: in a 3-hour exam scheduled for 9:30am, a student starts the exam at 9:26am. In this case, the exam will terminate at 12:26pm. Similarly, if a student starts the exam at 9:32am, the exam will terminate at 12:32pm.) The “start window” is defined as the time between the p ublication of the exam password (usually 15 minutes before the published start time) and 10 minutes after the published start of the exam. Students will not be permitted to start the exam outside of the “start window”. If a student is unable to start the exam during the “start window”, they must contact Dean Cove at Students who do not start an exam before the conclusion of the “start window” may not receive the full time for the exam.
Technology Failure During the Exam
If you experience a technical problem with Examsoft, please call the ExamTaker Support Line: 866-429-8889 or 954-429-8889.
If you are unable to resolve the issue with Examsoft, please contact Dean Cove at
Mistake or something ambiguous in an exam question
If the exam is an essay format, please make note of the issue in your exam answer and do your best to respond to the question. If the issue is in a multiple choice exam, please contact Dean Cove at immediately after the exam concludes. In either case, do not stop taking your exam and do not communicate with anyone about the issue until after the exam is complete.
Privacy or Security Issues Associated with Remote Proctoring
The remote proctoring services collect information about you only to the extent necessary to confirm your identity and proctor your exam remotely. Your personal information is as secure and private as equivalent information that you already share with Suffolk (e.g., your photo, a faculty member’s video and audio recordings of your classes). Any images or webcam footage captured while you are taking your examinations will be similarly kept in strict compliance with federal law (e.g., FERPA) and all applicable data privacy laws. Examsoft also complies with all applicable privacy laws, including FERPA, and is subject to the investigatory and enforcement powers of the FTC. A full descrip tion of Examsoft’s data privacy policies is available here.
Take-Home Exams, Papers & Projects
Faculty members choosing to test students via take-home examinations, papers, and projects will provide written instructions. Take-home examinations are generally required to be completed within 24 hours to 48 hours. However, the duration of each take-home exam is determined by the faculty member. The time begins as soon as the exam is picked up. The time will be recorded at pick-up and at submission. The Office of Academic Services disseminates and collects take-home exams, papers and projects that require anonymity and exam numbers . Students must submit their anonymous take-home exams, papers or projects to the Office of Academic Services and not “The University Registrar’s Office”. Final papers that are not anonymous and will be submitted with a student’s name are submitted to that faculty member’s assistant. All electronically submitted take-home examinations should be sent directly to
Take-home examinations and papers are subject to the conditions imposed by the faculty member. Late submissions may incur a penalty, at the faculty memb er’s discretion.
Extension Requests for Papers, Projects and Take-Home Exams
Students are expected to plan for the due dates of papers, projects and take-home exams. If a student experiences an unforeseeable, extraordinary personal matter or emergency situation which presents an unavoidable conflict with the deadline for a paper, project or take-home exam, the student should contact the Dean of Student Affairs Office for assistance (unless the student is sure that the professor is accepting the paper, project or take-home exam non anonymously , in which case the student should contact the professor for assistance). Examples of an unforeseeable, extraordinary personal or emergency situation include an issue relating to the health of the student, or close family member, or death of a family member. Documentation is required.
Academic Integrity
Any violation of academic integrity shall be viewed as a serious infraction of the Rules and Regulations of the Law School. Violations of academic integrity shall include, but are not limited to, dishonesty in the examination process and plagiarism in written work. Plagiarism is the representation of the language, ideas or format of another as one’s own in any writing submitted for academic purposes. Use of the work of another without proper attribution constitutes plagiarism whether or not the writer acts with intent to mislead or deceive. However, such intent, or the lack of it, may be considered in determining the proper sanction if a violation is established. The presumptive sanction for a deliberate act of plagiarism is suspension or dismissal from the Law School. Please ensure that you have read the Academic Integrity regulations (II.F). Students are responsible for compliance with these requirements. The regulations apply to all work submitted by a student for any course or school-related activity.
Academic Integrity Statement
At the end of every examination, each student must sign the following Academic Integrity Statement:
I hereby certify that the entirety of this examination is my own work and that I have complied with all applicable exam regulations and the Academic Integrity Policy. I confirm that I have not given aid to or received aid from others, nor used ideas or phrasing suggested by technology (e.g., artificial intelligence), except for spelling and grammatical corrections, or as expressly authorized in writing by the course instructor.
Students with remote or take-home exams must electronically sign and submit the academic integrity statement within two hours of completing the examination.
On Exam Day
In-Person Examinations
At the start of the exam, you will be handed a printed exam which you are free to mark up and use for making notes. All responses must be entered into your personal laptop using Examplify. All materials will be collected at the end of the exam. Your professor will only grade what you have entered in to Examplify.
What to Bring to Exams
• Student ID (driver's license with photo is acceptable)
• Laptop - Students must provide their own Examplify compatible laptop.
Power cord
Fully charged laptop battery
Beverage in a covered container
Pens and pencils
• Books and materials for open book examinations or limited book examinations.
o In a closed book examination , the examinee cannot bring any materials into the examination area.
o In an open book examination , the examinee may bring printed materials without limitations into the examination area. * o In a limited open book examination , the examinee may bring only the specified, printed materials authorized by the faculty member into the examination area. All materials brought into the examination will, in fairness to all, be subject to inspection, and students who are deemed to have violated the terms of the limited open book allowance will have the material in question taken away and will not be able to refer to it during the examination. *
All other items should be stored in your locker until after the examination. Any materials found anywhere outside of the examination room will be removed.
*E-books and other electronic materials are not permitted in open book or limited open book exams.
What NOT to Bring
The items listed below should not be brought into the examination room and should be stored in your locker. Any items on this list brought into the examination room must be stored in the front of the room in the area designated by the proctor. • Cellphones, handheld devices, smart watches, calculators (unless specifically allowed in examination instructions) or any other non-medical electronic device. Only students who are using a laptop for purposes of Examplify may bring a laptop into the examination room. • Food or food related products of any kind (i.e. candy, gum, mints), unless authorization has been received from the Dean of Students.
• Hats, caps or hoods may not be worn (religious head coverings are acceptable)
• Headphones or ear plugs (ear plugs will be provided for you)
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Handbags, backpacks, briefcases
Scrap paper
On the Day of Exams
When you arrive to take an exam, remember:
• Check your room assignment. Please note that an exam may be administered in more than one room. The examination schedule with room assignments will be posted on Canvas organization LAW- STU-CLASS-LAW SCHOOL Exam Schedule with Rooms . Schedules will be posted and individual copies are also available in the Office of Academic Services. • Arrive one-half-hour before the listed time of the exam. Do not enter the examination room until the proctor instructs you to do so. Students may only enter the examination room when the proctor so indicates and upon the presentation of their student ID or other photo identification. Each student must be checked into the examination room. Once checked in to the exam room students may not leave the exam room until after the exam has begun. • Your exam number is listed on your examination card, which will be provided to you when you check in to the exam. Use your exam number to identify yourself on your exam - not your student ID number.
Students must sit in every other seat.
• Proctors will write the Examplify password and character count (if applicable) on the board.
• Do NOT begin the exam until instructed to do so.
• Each examination instruction page will include the number of pages in the examination and the number of questions contained. Read and listen to all instructions carefully before beginning your exam.
Examination Content: Multiple Choice: True/False: Essay:
Number of Questions Number of Questions Number of Questions
Allowable Materials: Examination Instructions:
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All examinations are administered by proctors to ensure that the Exam Rules and Regulations, and course examination instructions, are followed by all examinees. Students who violate Rules and Regulations and Academic Standards and/or who fail to follow instructions in the examination room as provided by proctors will be subject to disciplinary action. • Proctors check all students in to the examination room. If you are planning to handwrite the examination please notify the proctor at check-in so that they may provide you with a handwriting book. Proctors will examine materials brought in to a limited open book examination at check-in to ensure that the materials are in compliance with the faculty member’s instructions. Once a student checks in to the examination the student may not leave the exam room until after the exam has begun. • Proctors announce examination instructions, provide Examplify passwords and distribute and collect examinations. • Proctors keep official time and will announce the beginning and ending time of the examination. A 1 hour warning and 10 minute warning will be provided. No student will be permitted to check out or leave the room during the last 10 minutes of the examination even if you have completed the examination. • If you need assistance during the examination (questions regarding the exam, computer issues, finished handwriting book and require additional book etc.) please raise your hand and wait for the proctor to come to you. • During the examination the proctor/s will walk around the room continuously. Each student’s identification card must be visible during the course of the examination and all examination material must be in view of the proctor. Possession of unauthorized materials during an exam is a violation of academic integrity (II.F) and is subject to disciplinary action. • Students may leave the examination room, with proctor permission, only to use the restroom on the same floor as the room in which the student is taking the examination. Only ONE student is permitted to leave the examination room at a time and must be signed out and in by the proctor. The student must give all of their examination materials to the proctor upon leaving the room. The materials will be returned by the proctor to the student upon reentering the examination room. Students using a laptop must lower the laptop cover (do not close). Students are not permitted to visit any other areas for any other reason during the examination. • Once the proctor announces that the examination has ended, all remaining students must stop writing OR typing and remain seated. The proctor will announce final instructions for uploading the examination and inform the students when and how they may approach the desk to submit their examination material. There should not be any communication among students during this period.
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Beginning the Exam
Download the appropriate exam template (this can be done in the 24 hours before the exam begins), entering the password provided by the proctor and follow the screen prompts until you see:
then Your proctor will hand out the exams and tell you when to begin your exam.
As you work on your exam, you may set a timer in the Tools area of the screen. Other tools are introduced within the Mock Exam.
Examplify Issues During the Exam
• Students must use their examination number, not their ID number. Your exam number is listed on your exam card. If you enter your student ID number by mistake, let the proctor know. Do not try to go back to correct this error. The proctor will inform the Office of Academic Services at the end of the exam. The Office of Academic Services will add your correct exam number to your exam.
• Examplify saves work automatically every minute.
• Technical staff assist in the administration of Examplify by staffing a help desk located on the second and third floors. IT Support technicians are not available to assist students before the exam. Students are expected to have downloaded the software and course exam template prior to the day of the exam. Technicians are there to assist with technical issues only (i.e. freezing) during the exam and any uploading issues at the end of the exam. • Troubleshooting should not be attempted by students. If you experience an issue with Examplify during the examination please raise your hand and notify the proctor. The proctor will page the IT Support technician for assistance, and provide you with a handwriting book so that you may continue the examination. Please start writing immediately. If the IT Support technician is unable to resolve the issue, the student must handwrite the remainder of the examination. IT Support will not be able to troubleshoot a student’s computer more than once. No additional time will be provided to any student for technical issues.
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