Student Exam and Grading Guide 2022-2023


Jurisprudence Awards

The Jurisprudence Award is designated to a student who has earned an A in a class that qualifies for a Jurisprudence Award (see list below) and who, in the facul ty member’s judgment, has submitted the best exam or paper in that course for that term. Student selection will be by examination number for those courses which have examinations or by student name if grades are entered non-anonymously.

Administrative Law

Criminal Law


Energy, Natural Resources

Banking Law

Environmental Law

Basic Federal Income Tax


Business Entity Fundamentals

Labor Law

Civil Procedure

Professional Responsibility

Commercial Law Paper


Commercial Law Sales

Securities Regulations

Commercial Law Survey

Secured Transactions

Constitutional Law



Students who receive a Jurisprudence Award will be sent a congratulatory letter from the Dean along with a certificate. Jurisprudence Awards are posted to the transcript.

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