Student Exam and Grading Guide 2022-2023
intends to utilize the Honors/Pass/Low Pass/Fail basis of grading. For all purposes under these Regulations, the grades of Honors, Pass, and Low Pass shall be satisfactory grades, and the grade of Fail shall be the equivalent of a grade of F.
Non-Classroom Activities
Externships, directed study, research assistantships, teaching assistantships, law reviews, journals, and moot court (including moot court teams) are graded as CR (credit) or NC (no credit).
Students undertaking a directed study, research assistantship or teaching assistantship must submit a time log certified by the faculty member to the Office of Academic Services upon completion of 45 hours’ work (1 credit), 90 hours’ work (2 credits) or 135 hours’ work (3 credits). The certified time log must be submitted no later than the last day of classes for the semester in which the student is receiving credit. Students serving as a teaching assistant in both the Fall and Spring semesters must submit their certified time log at the end of each semester.
Extensions Beyond End of Semester
Any paper or other project required for a final grade in a course must be submitted no later than the last day of the examination period for the semester in which the course is taken. If, for compelling reasons (other than a disability accommodation, which must first be requested through the law school’s disability coordinator), the instructor allows an extension of time to complete the paper or project, the extension may be for a period no longer than 90 days from the end of the examination period. It is entirely within the instructor’s discretion to set the extended deadline for a period shorter than 90 days. No further extension may be granted unless approved by the Assistant Dean for Academic Services, the Dean of Students, or an Associate Dean, for extraordinary reasons. During any extension, the course grade will be recorded temporarily as “Incomplete.” However, if by the end of the examination period or extension, the paper or project has not been submitted, a grade of NO CREDIT (F) will be recorded. If more than one unresolved Incomplete or Exam Excusal (as defined in Rule III. F.) appears in a student’s cumulative academic record, the student may not enroll in any courses for any subsequent semester or session until no more than one such Incomplete or Exam Excusal remains. Students who are unable to enroll in any courses for a semester due to this restriction will be placed on a leave of absence. A student’s academic standing for a given semester will be determined once all Incomplete(s) and/or Exam Excusal(s) are resolved.
Grades Earned at non-Suffolk Law School Programs
Grades of C or better earned at non-Suffolk Law School programs in Summer, Fall or Spring will be noted as “T” transfer grades. The actual grade received will not be posted on the Suffolk Law School transcript and will not be calculated into the student GPA, but will count as credits earned toward the JD Degree.
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