Student Exam and Grading Guide 2022-2023
Download Course Exam Files Instructions
1. Launch Examplify by double-clicking on the Examplify icon
2. Click on “Download Exam Files” and enter your username (My Suffolk username)
3. Click “Next”. There is no download password.
4. Click “Next”. Highlight your exams and click “download”.
5. Select the appropriate Fall (FL or FLM) or Spring (SL or SLM) course examination template.
PROPERTY_I_102-1C Wendel FLM22 (Fall Midterm exam)
PROPERTY_I_102-1C Wendel FL22 (Fall final exam)
PROPERTY_I_152-1C Wendel SLM23 (Spring Midterm exam)
PROPERTY_I_152-1C Wendel SL23 (Spring final exam
Students should not download the course templates ending with MUFLM-, MUFL-, MUSLM-, MUSL- unless they have been instructed to do so.
Practice / Examplify Mock Exam
Students who have not used Examplify before, who have just done a major upgrade of Examplify, or who have a new computer are strongly recommended totake a practice test prior to the examination period to ensure compatibility with software and familiarity withfeatures. A mock examination template is available for this purpose:
Use password su1122 and use 1234567 as the exam number
22FL-Mock Exam
Examplify Features
Limited word-processor: No spell check, grammar check or thesaurus function will be available.
Autosave: Examplify automatically saves the examination answer file every minute. This ensures that no work will be lost in the event of a power outage or computer shutdown.
Exam Log: In addition to the examination answer file, a separate file maintains a record of certain examination data. As well as providing a log of examination settings, this file also records the time the student started the exam, the time the examination was ended by the student and any irregularities that might have occurred. The irregularity report will include any restart, total lapsed time and if the examination was exited normally. This information may only be accessed by authorized personnel. Restricted Printing and Exam File Access: The typed examination is saved in an encrypted format. Once the examination has ended, the examination may only be opened and printed by authorized personnel. Students will not have an opportunity to review their exam in printed form. The encrypted examination will be printed on the next business day following the administration of the examination, and should a problem occur with a student's printed examination, the Office of Academic Services will notify the student.
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