Student Exam & Grading Guide 2018-2019
Academic Support
Professors in the law school’s Academic Support Program (ASP) are available to help every student master the skills needed to excel in their law school examinations. To start, ASP offers voluntary classes during the fall semester. By early October, the focus in these classes is exam preparation. Every lecture is recorded and made available online so that you can access these materials wherever works best for you. In addition, any student can schedule a meeting – or a series of meetings – with an ASP Professor to address exam preparation. During these meetings, you will be shown how to: organize a legal argument; incorporate the law into your answer; utilize the facts to support your conclusions; and effectively address reasonable alternative points of view. Students who have any questions about how ASP can help, please contact Professor Ramy, at .
Law Library
The Moakley Law Library occupies floors six and seven of Sargent Hall. The Law Library provides comfortable research and study areas, study rooms, and study carrels. The library has many resources that can help prepare you for examinations. For more information please click HERE .
Reading Period
There will be a reading period of approximately 2 days, between the end of classes and the start of the examination period.
Examination Schedule
A tentative exam schedule is available at the time of registration and is rarely changed. This can be viewed on My Suffolk ( My Suffolk > Exam Information > Exam Schedules ). Students are cautioned not to schedule any commitments during the examination period which may interfere with their exam schedule. A Snow Make-Up Day is scheduled in December, should examinations be postponed due to inclement weather. Examinations are scheduled Monday-Saturday. No exams are held on Sundays. Students who are unable to take exams on certain days for religious reasons, who have 3 proctored examinations within a 53 hour period, or who have extreme extenuating circumstances may submit an Examination Reschedule Request form to move an examination to the next Make-Up date. Students should never contact any faculty member regarding an exam reschedule as it will destroy anonymity in the exam process. Students who reschedule an examination will be eligible to use ExamSoft for the rescheduled exam provided the missed examination is rescheduled to the make-up date immediately following the original examination date. Examination room assignments are published at least two weeks prior to the start of the exam period and are posted on My Suffolk ( My Suffolk > Exam Information > Exam Schedules > Exam Schedule with Rooms) . Students with approved examination accommodations as provided by the Dean of Students Office will receive written notification from the Office of Academic Services of the exam accommodations, times, and locations for each scheduled examination.
Withdrawing from Classes during the Examination Period
No student may withdraw from a class after the examination period begins or while consideration of his or her academic standing is pending.
Students may either type (using ExamSoft) or handwrite examinations. All students are automatically registered for ExamSoft. Students who choose not to use ExamSoft need only alert the proctor when entering the examination room and request a handwriting book. A handwriting book will be provided to students who experience problems with their laptops during the exam.
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