Student Exam & Grading Guide 2018-2019
Student Exam and Grading Guide This Student Exam and Grading Guide explains the policies and procedures in place for the administration of exams, projects, papers, take-home exams and the submission and subsequent release of grades. Any student with questions or concerns related to examination and grading policies and procedures should contact the Office of Academic Services at:
Lorraine D. Cove Office of Academic Services 120 Tremont Street, Suite 130 617-573-8160
The Office of Academic Services administers all Law School in-house examinations, is responsible for the oversight of take-home examinations, and implements policies and procedures on behalf of the faculty and administration of the Law School. Examinations
Assessment Methods
Course instructors may use a number of different assessment methods for grading students, including quizzes, one or more assignments (papers, memos, drafting exercises, simulations, oral exercises or presentations), class participation, mid-term examination, final examination, or final paper. The instructor will notify students of the grading method used.
Only students who are officially registered for courses may take examinations in those courses.
Examination Numbers
A unique examination number is provided to each student for each exam the student takes each semester to facilitate “blind grading”. No student’s name or any other identifying information, other than the examination number, may appear on a student’s exam. Faculty are provided with a grading roster containing examination numbers only for the assignment of the exam grade. Examination numbers are posted on Web Advisor ( My Suffolk > Web Advisor > Law Exam Information > My Examination Numbers ) in advance of the examination period for midterm and mock examinations and end of term examinations. Examination Academic Integrity cards are distributed in each exam. This card displays your examination number.
To keep examinations anonymous, remember:
Always use your exam number on your exam NOT your Student ID number.
Never identify yourself to the Professor in any manner whatsoever in the typed exam or exam booklet. Never speak with your Professor regarding a rescheduling of your exam or any accommodations you receive. Do NOT call or email your Professor about the exam after the examination has been administered and prior to the date on which grades are posted by the Office of Academic Services. Please contact the Office of Academic Services for assistance with any examination issues.
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