Spring 2022 Course Evaluations

What aspect(s) of the course or instruction could be improved?

I think MPTs could have been done during class time as opposed to something being due outside of class every week for a 1 credit course. It seemed fine to me I wish I was able to practice more MPTs in this course. I was disappointed that we were only able to get through one version of a certain type of MPT. But I understand this is not Professor Stillman’s fault and merely personal preference. Less emphasis on MR T, and other mnemonics . personally, I found them all a bit clumsy, and not really that helpful at all. The most helpful parts were practicing doing the essays in class. It may be more helpful to cut back on some of the abstract deconstructing (like Mr T) and focus instead on practicing some of the skills we need in the essay, but in bite sized potions. For example, spend a class or two practicing how to be maximally efficient at identifying and extracting the relevant rules from the cases on the first read. Then other classes on identifying the relevant facts from the file and immediately dropping them below the extracted rules. n/a


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