Spring 2022 Course Evaluations

Additional comments

I really enjoyed this course and legal writing paper/analysis. I would certainly recommend Professor Kaplan to others as well. N/a. Prof. Kaplan - thank you for such an enjoyable semester. I would recommend every law student take your class. Professor Kaplan brought a degree of levity to the class that put everyone (at least me) at ease and helped us all get over the hurdle of a blank sheet of paper, and get to the end with a properly constructed brief that was on point. I started his class unsure about what my deliverable would look like, and finished the class confident that I could repeat the process again on demand and deliver a quality product. I had already satisfied my legal writing requirement prior to taking professor Kaplan’s class, and just wanted to do it again to learn how to do it better. Professor Kaplan delivered. Time well spent.


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