Spring 2022 Course Evaluations

Below are the responses to the three open-ended questions asked regarding the instructor and the course. Please note, student responses have not been edited in any way. Blank pages indicate no response for that question. What aspect(s) of the course or instruction enhanced your learning?

problems on the board The problems in the textbook really helped me learn the concepts better.

I understand tax a little better now Going through problem sets in class Corbett is great at going through the problems and tying them to the law, helps way more to go through the problem sets than discuss the cases. I like that Professor Corbett used the whiteboard to show his work and formulas. He speaks calm and clear to ensure everybody understands what he is talking about. I like that he asks multiple times if the students are understanding. I enjoyed going through the practice problems in the text and the problem sets. I thought the end of the year multiple-choice questions were extremely helpful too. - Working through problems Professor Corbett explained confusing topics at least twice, if not three times. In a class like tax, I found this extremely helpful since sometimes I just didn’t understand the rules or how they applied the first time around. Professor Corbett is an extremely patient professor, never gets annoyed at questions even if he is repeating something he already said. I really appreciated this in a rules-heavy class such as tax. taking the time to go over the problems in class and see them on the board Professor seemed very in tune with what the difficulties were with all of the cases assigned and addressed them properly when they came up in class. Very good in class instruction going over the cases and the problems. All the problems and problem sets that we work on in class were very helpful to understand the code and really show all the different ways the code can be applied or circumstances that effect income. The class was very by the book which I was first somewhat opposed to, however, as the semester went on I realized that this was the most effective way to learn the material. Going over both the practice problems in the book and those provided to us by Professor Corbett was incredibly helpful in understanding the nuances of basic federal income tax. Professor Corbett also encouraged class participation and discussion but never cold-called students in a way that would make students nervous to attend class. Professor Corbett’s Problem Sets and assignment of textbook problems strongly enhanced my learning of the material. I really appreciated the Problem Sets at the end of each heavy loaded section 6

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