SULS Student Handbook 2023 2024 Final
exam excusal. Once the petition is reviewed and decided upon by the Associate Deans, there will be no appeal of the decision.
Petitions for relief shall include information on the following:
• History of treatment (if medical/mental health situation) including, but not limited to, age of diagnosis, recommendations for medical/therapeutic interventions, compliance, use, and side effects of medication, and treatment successes • The unpredictability and/or severity of the situation and the impact on functioning and performance across a variety of settings • History of communication regarding the specific issue or condition with the Dean of Law Student Affairs
In the case of a medical or mental health situation, medical documentation submitted to support the petition shall:
1) be as contemporaneous as possible with the exam interruption 2) confirm that the condition has an element of unpredictability 3) include an opinion from the treating physician or clinician that the interruption was directly caused by the diagnosed medical/mental health condition
Please note that a medical diagnosis alone does not automatically guarantee relief. Furthermore, a diagnosis of test anxiety in and of itself is insufficient to support a request for relief.
Students who have been properly excused from a final exam will be subject to the examination excusal provision in Rules and Regulations III. F. Failure to Take Examinations. Should the interruption occur during a mid-term assessment, relief, if available at all, will be determined on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the Dean of Law Student Affairs in consultation with the course instructor, an Associate Dean and/or the Assistant Dean for Academic Services and such determination shall be final. Relief for Graduating Students : In the event that the student is due to graduate immediately following the exam period in which the exam interruption occurred and the matter cannot be resolved by withdrawing the student from the course in which the exam interruption occurred, the law school may offer alternative relief if reasonably available. The decision to offer alternative relief to a graduating student and the nature of such relief shall be made by the Assistant Dean for Academic Services, Dean of Law Student Affairs and Academic Associate Dean and such decisions shall be final.
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