SULS Student Handbook 2023 2024 Final
more than 6 summer credits in the same year without approval of the Assistant Dean for Academic Services, or as provided in Rule IV.C. Early graduation through summer study and the application of summer credits toward final semester course loads are subject to the requirements and limitations set forth in Rules IV.C and IV.D.
Early Graduation through Summer Study
1. Day Division . Day Division students not enrolled in the Accelerated JD Program who are in good academic standing and are not on Academic Warning or Guided Curriculum may apply to take a full course load of 12-15 credits in the summer following the completion of their second full year of study, and to count that summer of study as 1 of the 6 minimum semesters of study required in Rule I.B.3. Students seeking to pursue this option must file an application to enroll in Summer Study for Early Graduation by no later than the registration deadline for the relevant summer. (Forms and deadlines are available in the Office of Academic Services.) Applications must be approved by the Assistant Dean for Academic Services or Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Considerations relevant to approval include the strength of the applicant’s academic record and whether the electives available to the applicant in the intended summer of study support a feasible curricular plan for early graduation. Any summer of study counted toward the 6-semester day division minimum will be charged at the day division tuition rate for a full semester. 2. Evening Division . Evening Division students who are not enrolled in the Accelerated JD Program have the following two options for early graduation through enrollment in summer study. a. For Evening Division students who enroll in summer coursework in two or more separate years and earn at least 9 credits through such study, the summer terms in which those credits were earned may jointly be counted as 1 of the 8 minimum semesters of study required in Rule I.C.3. b. Evening Division students who are in good academic standing and are not on Academic Warning or Guided Curriculum may apply to take a full course load of 9-12 credits in any summer following the completion of their second or third full year of study, and to count that summer of study toward the 8 minimum semesters of study required in Rule I.C.3. Students seeking to pursue this option must file an application to enroll in Summer Study for Early Graduation by no later than the registration deadline for the relevant summer. (Forms and deadlines are available in the Office of Academic Services.) Applications must be approved by the Assistant Dean for Academic Services or Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Considerations relevant to approval include the strength of the applicant’s academic record and whether the electives available to the applicant in the intended summer of study support a feasible curricular plan for early graduation. Any summer of study counted toward the 8-semester evening division minimum will be charged at the evening division tuition rate for a full semester.
D. Application of Summer Credits to Final Semester
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