SULS Student Handbook 2023 2024 Final
Reports of grades are made as follows:
Grading System
4.000 3.670 3.330 3.000 2.670 2.330 2.000 1.670 1.330 1.000 0.670 0.000
An unsatisfactory grade within the meaning of these Rules and Regulations is defined as any grade of C- or lower. Receiving one or more unsatisfactory grades triggers specific consequences under Rule II(C), and students placed on academic probation after academic standing review are generally required to repeat any course in which they received an unsatisfactory grade. Grades of C and C+ are not unsatisfactory in this same sense, but are below the grade point average needed for good academic standing. An absence of unsatisfactory grades in a student’s academic record is not sufficient for good academic standing under Rule II(C)(1). The minimum grade point average required for good academic standing at the end of the first year of study (2.5000) falls between the grade point average corresponding to a C+ and B-. No credit is awarded for a course in which a student receives a grade of F.
Once course grades are submitted by the instructor to the Academic Services Office they may not be altered (other than to correct a clerical error), and are not subject to appeal by students.
Grades and Examinations
Course instructors may use a number of different assessment methods for grading the students in their classes, including use of quizzes, one or more assignments (papers, memos, drafting exercises, simulations, oral exercises or presentations), class participation, mid-term examination, final examination, or final paper. This also includes following a traditional approach by offering a three-hour examination given at the end of the semester. The instructor will notify the students of the grading method used.
Class Rank
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