SULS Student Handbook 2023 2024 Final
A student’s “first” semester of a Distance Education course will still be counted as such even if the student chooses to only take one course.
4. After the first semester in which a student takes a Distance Education course, there will be no limit to the number of Distance Education courses the student may take in subsequent semesters (subject to the number of allowable credits under ABA Standard 306 and the provisions below regarding an unsatisfactory grade or attendance issue).
5. If a student earns a final course grade of C or below in any Distance Education course in any semester, the student cannot enroll in a future Distance Education course, unless:
• the student has a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above; or • the student is granted permission to do so, at the discretion of the Dean’s Office.
6. If a student fails to comply with an applicable Distance Education attendance policy in any Distance Education course in any semester, the student cannot enroll in a future Distance Education course, unless the student is granted permission to do so, at the discretion of the Dean’s Office. 7. The interpretation and application of any ABA measures temporarily relaxing distance education standards due to public emergency or otherwise will be at the discretion of the Dean’s Office.
8. Some jurisdictions place limits on the amount of Distance Education credits a bar applicant can take in law school. Students are responsible for complying with the Distance Education limits, if any, of their intended bar admission jurisdiction.
M. Changes to Course Section
Apart from changes made to elective courses during the Add/Drop period, students may not change their assigned course section enrollments.
Grading Policy [Amended by Law Faculty on 5/18/17]
1. Grading standards for the required courses in Civil Procedure, Constitutional Law, Contracts, Criminal Law, Property, and Torts.
The distribution of grades submitted in a course by a faculty member in each semester shall conform to the following limits:
5% to 10% 20% to 25%
A- and higher:
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