SULS Student Handbook 2023 2024 Final
Because inter-session and intensive courses normally are designed to have a limited number of class meetings, there is no Applicable Absence Limitation available for these courses. Students are expected to attend all class meetings of inter-session and intensive courses. An absence or significant tardiness to an inter-session or an intensive class will result in the student being excluded from the course. To obtain a waiver to this rule, a student must submit a petition to the Dean of Law Student Affairs. The Dean of Law Student Affairs will only grant the petition if 1) the petition shows an extraordinary and unavoidable circumstance, and 2) the instructor believes that the amount of absence will not unreasonably alter the level of engagement expected of all students in the course.
Religious Observances
Absences on any particular day for religious observances are permitted in accordance with Mass. Gen. Laws Ch. 151C, §2B.
Academic Standing Requirements
First-year students
The provisions of section 1 apply to all first-year students, except that application of these provisions to students in the Accelerated JD Program shall be subject to the modifications set forth in section 1.d.
(All other students are subject to the provisions of section 2 – Upper-class Students .)
First-Semester Academic Standing
i. A student who receives final grades that are unsatisfactory in three or more first semester courses or final grades of D+ or lower in two first semester courses is not in good academic standing and will be reviewed by the Academic Standing Committee. Such a student will be dismissed unless the committee finds that the student’s first semester performance does not provide an accurate representation of the student’s ability to succeed in the study of law, and the student has a likelihood of succeeding if permitted to continue. Considerations relevant to the committee’s review include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Whether the student experienced extraordinary circumstances during the first semester that affected the student’s academic performance and are no longer an impediment to t he student’s success; b. The presence of one or more grades of B- or better in the student’s first semester record; c. Evidence of demonstrated improvement during the semester in one or more of the courses in which the student received an unsatisfactory grade (such as a final exam grade that was significantly higher than a midterm grade); d. Whether the student actively participated in the Academic Support Program; e. Statements of support from faculty course instructors familiar with the student’s work; f. Statements of support from Academic Support faculty who worked with the student.
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