SULS Student Handbook 2023 2024 Final

No Vendor may enter into a written agreement with a student organization without the involvement and advance approval of the Dean of Law Student Affairs Office. No student has the authority to contractually bind a student organization or Suffolk University.

Vendor-related meetings may not be held in any spaces within Sargent Hall, including but not limited to the cafeteria and other common area spaces.

Law students serving as Vendor representatives may be subject to discipline for violating these rules.

The Law School reserves the right to change this policy at any time, with or without advance notice to Vendors.


At times, the law students publish a student newspaper than may accept paid advertisements. Vendors wishing to determine if such a paper is in operation should contact the Dean of Law Student Affairs Office at Vendors may also wish to explore paid advertising opportunities with the University’s student newspaper, the Suffolk Journa l. More information about the Suffolk Journal may be found at


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