SULS Student Handbook 2023 2024 Final


Suffolk University is authorized by statute to operate as a postsecondary educational institution and confer law degrees in Massachusetts. Suffolk University Law School is accredited by the American Bar Association (ABA). If you feel that Suffolk University Law School has failed to meet your expectations, you are encouraged to attempt to resolve the issue directly with the Law School or the appropriate University office, if relevant. If your concerns are not resolved through that process and the concerns relate to a matter set forth in the law school accreditation standards of the ABA, you may file a complaint in accordance with the ABA Standard 510 Statement. Concerns not otherwise resolved by the law school or the relevant University office that relate to an accreditation or regulatory matter governed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts may be referred to the Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General, Public Charities Division, One Ashburton Place, Boston, MA 02108. Suffolk University operates under the approval of “NC - SARA”, National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements . Consistent with 610 CMR 12.00 , students must attempt to resolve complaints at the institutional level. If the matter is not resolved at the institutional level students may submit a SARA complaint. Massachusetts residents may submit a complaint via the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education’s (DHE) consumer complaint form . Non-Massachusetts residents that are located in SARA member states may seek to file a formal complaint with the DHE using the SARA Complaint Procedure Process form . Students located in nonmember states may utilize the DHE’s consumer complaint form in lieu of the SARA complaint form . Grievances Related to Students Enrolled in an Online Program


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