SULS Student Handbook 2023 2024 Final
Suffolk University’s posti ng guidelines were developed to support student organizations recognized by the Student Government Association (SGA), Graduate Student Association (GSA), Student Bar Association (SBA) and department-sponsored student groups as well as administrative and academic departments. Those that consistently violate these guidelines may have their posting privileges restricted. Only Suffolk University sponsoring organizations are permitted to post posters and flyers and digital and easel postings on University property.
These guidelines are intended to support the tenets of the Freedom of Expression Policy which may be found on the Suffolk University website.
All posters, flyers, digital and easel postings must comply with contemporary standards consistent with a professional school environment.
Sponsoring Organization: Recognized and department-sponsored student and administrative and academic departments.
• Poster: Single sheet of paper or poster that does not exceed 11” x 17” except when authorized by Student Leadership and Involvement (SLI) or the Law Dean of Students Office.
• Flyer: Single 8.5” by 11” sheet o f paper.
• Digital Media: Announcements in the form of jpg or png to be placed on digital media screens. Foam mounted posters are to be placed on easels and may not exceed 24” x 36” in size. • Unrestricted Bulletin Board: Bulletin board designed by these guidelines as a bulletin board available for posting by a sponsoring organization. • Restricted Bulletin Board: Bulletin boards including those enclosed by glass or designated by a department. No one other than authorized personnel may post on restricted bulletin boards. Print Posting
All postings must include the following information:
• Full name and contact information of the recognized student organization or administrative or academic departments(s)
Description of the program
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