Suffolk University Law School Student Handbook 2022-2023
For each academic concentration designated by the Law Faculty, the Dean shall appoint a resident faculty member or members who shall serve as the concentration faculty director(s). The concentration Faculty Director(s) shall on an annual basis recommend to the Curriculum Committee for consideration by that committee and the Law School Faculty what courses or academic requirements should be added to or deleted from the concentration designation. However, routine amendments to concentration academic requirements may be adopted by the Curriculum Committee acting alone without subsequent Law School faculty validation. Routine amendments include amendments such as determining elective courses that may satisfy concentration requirements, as distinct from amendments affecting the structure or requirements of academic concentrations. In addition, the concentration Faculty Director(s) shall from time to time schedule conferences for faculty members teaching in the concentration, oversee the performance of adjunct faculty teaching in the concentration offering, and invite to the school speakers practicing in the area of the concentration. Faculty teaching in the concentration shall assist the concentration Faculty Director(s) in providing course selection and career development advice to students enrolled in the concentration.
Business Law and Financial Services Concentration
See requirements for the financial services concentration set forth on the Law School website.
Health and Biomedical Law Concentration
See requirements for the health and biomedical law concentration set forth on the Law School website.
Intellectual Property Law Concentration
See requirements for the intellectual property law concentration set forth on the Law School website.
International Law Concentration
See requirements for the international law concentration set forth on the Law School website. L. Trial and Appellate Advocacy Concentration
See requirements for the civil litigation concentration set forth on the Law School website.
Legal Technology and Innovation Concentration
See requirements for the Legal Technology and Innovation Concentration set forth on the Law School website.
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