Suffolk University Law School Student Handbook 2022-2023
The Dea n’s List is an annual honor designation for students placing in the top 33%, solely for that academic year, of (i) the first year student body, or (ii) the upper-class student body, as the case may be. Those students who qualify for the Dean’s List will b e determined annually, after completion of the spring term, by the Assistant Dean for Academic Services and the Academic Associate Deans using the grades from the year just completed. The Dean’s List will be announced shortly after grades for the spring term are posted. No change will be made to the Dean’s List G.P.A. once it has been determined.
Graduation with Honors
A student who has complied with all requirements for the degree of Juris Doctor, and whose scholastic achievements, in the judgment of the Faculty, have been outstanding, will be recommended for the degree with honors.
Honors will be determined as follows:
S umma Cum Laude : Students in the top 3 percent in each division.
• Magna Cum Laude : Students in top 8 percent in each division but below the standard for Summa Cum Laude. • Cum Laude : Students in top 25 percent in each division but below the standard for Magna Cum Laude. For the purposes of determining honors, the January and May graduates of the same calendar year will be considered the graduating class. Honor determinations for September graduates will be based on the honor determinations made in the preceding May of the same calendar year. Students are eligible for honors only in the calendar year and division in which they actually graduate regardless of Leaves of Absence, early degree completion, change of division or any other change (unexpected or not) to their anticipated graduation date. 1. Any violation of academic integrity shall be viewed as a serious infraction of the Rules and Regulations of the Law School. Violations of academic integrity shall include, but are not limited to, dishonesty in the examination process and plagiarism in written work. Plagiarism is the representation of the language, ideas or format of another as one’s own in any writing submitted for academic purposes. 2. Use of the work of another without proper attribution constitutes plagiarism whether or not the writer acts with intent to mislead or deceive. However, such intent, or the lack of it, may be considered in determining the proper sanction if a violation is established. 3. It is not permissible to paraphrase more than a few words of the work of another. Any idea which is paraphrased from the work of another must be properly acknowledged. It is impermissible to use quotations from sources, even with acknowledgment, unless the material quoted is properly identified in the text (e.g. by quotation marks, in a block quote, F. Academic Integrity
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