Suffolk University Law School Student Handbook 2022-2023


Evening Division

No Evening Division student may register for more than 12 credits or less than 9 credits in any one semester, or register for credits which result in more than 24 credits or less than 21 credits in any academic year.


Attendance and Assignment Policy



A student must take the courses and examinations for the section in which the student is enrolled. Each student is expected to perform all class assignments and to attend class meetings regularly and in a punctual manner. Failure to do so may result in exclusion from the course, which may result in a grade of No Credit, F, probation, suspension, or dismissal.


Applicable Absence Limitation

With respect to any course, a student is allowed to miss up to the “Applicable Abs ence Limitation” for that course. Students with absences in excess of the Applicable Absence Limitation shall be excluded from the course, unless such excess absences are excused in accordance with Paragraph 6, below. The Applicable Absence Limitation for a course is a function of the course’s credit hours and frequency of class meetings, as set forth in the following tables, which apply to both in-person and synchronous online or distance education classes:

a. Fall Semester, Spring Semester, or 12-week Summer Session

Credit Hours

Meetings per week

Applicable Absence Limitation one class meeting up to two class meetings up to four class meetings up to two class meetings up to four class meetings up to six class meetings up to four class meetings up to five class meetings

1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4

1 1 2 1 2 3 2 3

b. Six-Week Summer Session

Credit Hours

Meetings per week Applicable Absence Limitation

2 3 3 4

2 2 3 4

up to two class meetings up to two class meetings up to three class meetings up to four class meetings


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