Suffolk University Law School Student Handbook 2022-2023
No student may take a Voluntary Leave of Absence after the examination period begins or while consideration of his or her academic standing is pending. A student on a Leave of Absence that is either cleared to return by the Leave of Absence Committee or is not subject to the Leave of Absence Committee review is entitled to return to the Law School at the end of the term of the leave without reapplying for admission. A Leave of Absence will be granted to a first year student only under extraordinary circumstances. A Leave of Absence is considered a withdrawal for financial aid purposes and may result in the student owing money to the Law School and in the student’s federal loan entering repayment. Students who fail to enroll at the conclusion of an approved Voluntary Leave of Absence will be withdrawn from the Law School. Those in this situation who wish to return to the Law School must apply for readmission in accordance with the Readmissions Process outlined in the Law School Rules and Regulations. Students on a Voluntary Leave of Absence will not have locker access during the Leave of Absence. All locker contents must be removed within 10 calendar days of approval of the Voluntary Leave of Absence, or they will be considered abandoned property and confiscated by the Law School. Voluntary Withdrawal: A student who wishes to withdraw from the Law School must submit the Withdrawal Form to the Academic Services Office. No student may withdraw after the examination period begins or while consideration of his or her academic standing is pending. Once a withdrawal request is approved, access to the following services will be deactivated: Student ID Card, Email, Westlaw and Lexis, Blackboard, Campus Cruiser, Library • Lockers: Prior to removal of contents please contact a staff member of the Office of Academic Services for assistance. Contents not removed within 10 calendar days of approval of withdrawal will be considered abandoned property and will be confiscated by the Law School. Important Information for Financial Aid Recipients: The Office of Financial Aid is required to recalculate federal student aid eligibility for students who withdraw, drop out, are dismissed, or take a Leave of Absence prior to completing 60% of a semester. In some cases, federal loans already disbursed to the student may need to be returned to the lender. This may result in the student owing money to Suffolk University. Students with federal student loans are required by the federal government to complete exit counseling upon their departure from Suffolk University Law School. Exit counseling information is available on the Office of Financial Aid’s website at Students on a Leave of Absence will continue to have access to: • Student ID Card, Email, Westlaw and Lexis, Blackboard, Campus Cruiser, Library
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