Suffolk University Law School Student Handbook 2022-2023

In courses with a final examination scheduled during the examination period, students will ordinarily be required to: meet for 55 minutes per credit each week for thirteen weeks; sit for a final examination during examination period of at least one hour per credit, but not to exceed three total hours in duration; and spend, on average, at least 2 hours and 10 minutes per credit each week on out-of-class work for thirteen weeks plus the week of the final examination. Table 1 illustrates the application of these minimum requirements to fall and spring courses ranging from 1-4 credits.

Table 1 (Fall and Spring Courses)

Out-of-Class Work per Week, Including Exam Week (14 Weeks)

Classroom Time per Week (13 Weeks)




2595 minutes


55 minutes

60 minutes

130 minutes

(43.3 hours)

5190 minutes


110 minutes

120 minutes

260 minutes

(86.5 hours)

7785 minutes


165 minutes

180 minutes

390 minutes

(129.8 hours)

10320 minutes


220 minutes

180 minutes

520 minutes

(172 hours)

If a fall or spring class is scheduled to meet for fewer than 13 weeks (not including an examination week), it must: meet for a total of no less than 715 minutes per credit; require a total of no less than 1690 minutes per credit of out-of-class student work over the period of time for which it is actually scheduled; and require a final examination of 60 minutes per credit, but not to exceed three total hours, entailing no less than 130 minutes per credit of out-of-class preparation time, or assessments/projects entailing an equivalent amount of work. If a fall or spring class does not have a final examination scheduled during examination period, students in the class must be required to complete other assessments or projects sufficient to ensure that the absence of the examination does not cause the total amount of work required for the course to fall below 2595 minutes per credit, or 10320 total minutes for a 4-credit course. Any faculty member who misses or cancels a regularly scheduled class session must schedule a make-up class and/or assign an equivalent amount of out-of-class work.

(ii) Summer term

The summer term includes one twelve-week session and a one-week examination period, as well as two six-week sessions and a final examination day on the Saturday after the


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