Suffolk University Law School Student Handbook 2022-2023
everywhere else) and be either .JPG, or .PNG file types. Please include the beginning and end dates that the content should be displayed. Postings will be displayed for a maximum of two weeks.
• For digital posts in Sawyer, Samia or Stahl contact Student Life .
• For digital posts in Sargent for business school audience contact Emily Collins .
• For student organization digital posts in Sargent for law school audiences, contact the Law School Dean of Students . • For other digital posts in Sargent for law school audiences, contact the Law School Office of Academic Services . The University’s Office of Marketing and Communications may bypass the above guidelines regarding length of posting for the purposes of promoting large campus-wide events or campaigns.
Foam Mounted Posters on Easels
Sponsoring organizations may use foam mounted posters on easels in the first floor lobbies of Sargent, Stahl, Sawyer, Samia and One Beacon ONLY on the day of the event to increase awareness and publicity of the program taking place.
Easels may not be placed at any time on the 2nd floor lobby of the Stahl Building. Easels must be provided by the person or organization responsible for the posting.
Easels may not block access to elevators, door/entrance ways, and egress or emergency exits. ADA compliance must also be taken into consideration. The University reserves the right to relocate or remove easels which limit accessibility or otherwise do not comply with these guidelines. The University is not responsible for easels left in a lobby.
Objections to the content of posters, flyers, digital media or foam core mounted posters may be submitted in writing to the Assistant Dean of Students/Director of SLI or the Law Dean of Students Office. Sponsoring organizations may submit an objection if their poster or flyer is not approved. Once an objection has been received, the poster, flyer, digital media or foam core mounted poster will be removed from posting locations and will not be approved for posting until such time as a decision will be made regarding the objection. A committee of 4 people (a student appointed by SGA, GSA or the SBA, a representative from each – Provost’s Office, Finance and Administration and Student Affairs or Law Dean of Students) – will be convened within two days by the Associate Dean of Students or Law School Dean of Students who will vote only in the case of a tie. The decision of the committee will be final.
Guidelines Revised 12/02/2019
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