Registration Guide 2017-2018
General LLM The LL.M. curriculum is primarily elective in nature. Students should meet with the Director of Graduate Law Programs to select courses to best fulfill their career objectives. International students are required to enroll in the seminar entitled Introduction to US Law, Legal Reasoning and Writing in their first semester. The Legal English Institute is recommended for LLM students whose primary language is not English. Twenty four (24) credits are required to complete the Master of Laws degree. All LLM students must also satisfy the LLM Legal Writing Requirement prior to graduation by completing a substantial legal research and writing paper in connection with a course, a Directed Study or an LLM thesis. Students must file the LLM Legal Writing Requirement form , signed by the supervising faculty member, with the Office of Academic Services as soon as possible. No more than 5 credits from any ungraded activities may be counted toward the LL.M. degree. Ungraded activities include an LL.M. Externship, Directed Study, Research Assistantship, and participation on the Journal of High Technology Law .
Click HERE for a list of all LL.M. rules and regulations.
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