Registration Guide 2017-2018
Bar Preparation Courses As an additional aid to you in your bar examination preparation, Suffolk Law School offers a bar examination preparation program in the spring and fall for third year day and fourth year evening students. This course is not a substitute for a commercial bar review course. Indeed, we fully expect that virtually all of you will take a bar review course prior to the bar examination. Suffolk University Law School does not endorse any bar review course and you should not consider our participation in this program as an endorsement of any specific bar review course. Our bar examination preparation program is designed to provide extra assistance to our students. 1. Students who intend to sit for the February 2018 bar examination, whether in Massachusetts or in another state. For those students who intend to take the Massachusetts bar, Suffolk will make available tapes of lectures (and accompanying materials) recorded in May 2017 on both Massachusetts Civil Procedure and essay writing on the Massachusetts bar exam. 2. Students who intend to sit for the July 2018 bar examination in a state other than Massachusetts (in order to obtain a full semester’s worth of preparation for the MBE portion of the examination in the other state). 3. Students who intend to sit for the July 2018 bar examination in any state should enroll in the Fall 2017 course to have additional opportunities to learn the subject matter tested on the MBE and the skills needed to answer multiple choice questions. Who Should Take the Fall 2017 Program?
Fall 2017 Saturday Bar Prep Class
The Fall 2017 bar prep class focuses almost exclusively on the Multistate Bar Exam, a multiple choice test of 200 questions covering the 7 MBE subjects. The MBE is a portion of the bar exam in 49 states (excluding only Louisiana). This non-credit class meets for 11 Saturday afternoons (1 pm to 4 pm) in the fall. All the classes are taped and will be available, through the bar exam, on Campus Cruiser.
Spring 2018 Saturday Bar Prep Class
The Spring 2018 bar prep class focuses on all three components of the Uniform Bar Exam: (1) the Multistate Essay Exam (MEE) (six essay questions); (2) the Multistate Performance Test (MPT) (two 90 minute writing exercises); and the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE) (200 multiple choice questions covering seven major areas of law). Massachusetts has adopted the UBE as of July 2018, and well over 20 states, including New York, and all the other New England states except for Rhode Island. This non-credit class meets for 12 Saturday afternoons (1 pm to 4 pm) in the spring. The first half of the course will cover the essay and MPT portions of the UBE, and the latter part of the course focuses on the MBE (multiple choice) portion of the bar exam. All of the classes will be taped, and will be available, through the bar exam, on Campus Cruiser.
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