Registration Guide 2018-2019
Bar Preparation As an additional aid to you in your bar examination preparation, Suffolk Law School offers a bar examination preparation program in the fall for third year day and fourth year evening students. This course is not a substitute for a commercial bar review course. Indeed, we fully expect that virtually all of you will take a bar review course prior to the bar examination. Our bar examination preparation program is designed to provide extra assistance to our students. Available to all students in the fall term of their last year, this non-credit, 3-hour class primarily provides a substantive overview of what to expect on the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE) portion of the bar exam, which includes 200 multiple choice questions on seven topics: civil procedure, constitutional law, contracts, criminal law and procedure, evidence, real property, and torts. The focus will be on both covering the highly-tested areas in all seven topics and providing test- taking strategies for answering the multiple-choice questions. Since Massachusetts adopted the Uniform Bar Exam (UBE) in July 2018, this course will also provide an introduction to the other two components of the UBE: (1) the Multistate Essay Exam (MEE) (six essays covering the seven MBE topics plus several other subjects including business associations, conflicts of law, family law, and wills and trusts); and (2) Multistate Performance Test (MPT) (two 90 minute writing exercises requiring the student to draft the assigned document, often an objective memo or a persuasive brief). Audio and video recordings of the 3-hour classes are also available. Students who did not register for the fall 2018 Saturday Bar Prep class may register for the spring 2019 Bar Prep course. The 2019 Bar Prep course is a repeat of the fall 2018 offering and will be available online only on Blackboard. No classes will be held.
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