OLDFall 2022 Law School Course Evaluations

What aspect(s) of the course or instruction could be improved? The professor ' s delivery of the material was scattershot and occasionally muddled. Much of the class felt like a rehashing of business entities and didn ' t cover much new ground, but when new topics were introduced they were covered quickly Referencing the above, I think that this class shouldn ' t have the option to fulfill a writing credit. The bulk of the class and the learning surrounding it came from the projects we did, so I don ' t see how the students who did the writing assignment would get nearly as much out of it. The other thing I would say is that for the first assignment, I would give a little bit more instruction as to what students should do, or at least make it worth a little bit less than the other projects. I think that the instructions were a bit unclear as to what Prof. Hartmann was expecting of us, and that made the entire process of completing the project stressful and a bit unfair. At the end of the course, the professor talked about what his goals for the course were and I think they could be more aligned with that the student ' s would want with the title of the course. I would have liked to have the focus of the course diving more into venture capital, investing, and how lawyers play there part in this industry.


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