OLDFall 2022 Law School Course Evaluations
Below are the responses to the three open-ended questions asked regarding the instructor and the course. Please note, student responses have not been edited in any way. Blank pages indicate no response for that question. What aspect(s) of the course or instruction enhanced your learning? Quizzes Helpful to go through the examples from the book in class. Online resources I really enjoyed the guest speakers. regular quizzes and reviews by professor. Professor Malley assigned copious amounts of reading and I did all of it. So, my reading enhanced my learning. Outside chances to meet with the professor. The quizzes were a good review/study tool, however, the quiz questions didn ' t always align with what we discussed in class Powerpoint presentations containing applicable and relevant rules. The organization of topics made sense. I also appreciated Professor Malley ' s practical experience as a practicing attorney. I liked the quizzes. The textbook was really useful to understanding the material and the slideshows Prof. Malley provided were helpful in understanding what she thinks are the most important concepts to know. I appreciated that she brought in her real-life experiences into the classroom. The clear manner in which Professor Malley organized the class and presented the material. It was presented in a logical fashion. I enjoyed the powerpoints that Professor Malley prepared, they were very thorough and informative. I also think the practice questions we discussed in class were extremely helpful. The quizzes helped alleviate pressure going into finals. The textbook was very helpful and the quizzes and the review for the quizzes were very helpful as well. I loved the quiz aspect of the course and how organized the slides and quiz review material was. It really helped me understand the material!! Professor ' s real world experience and stories really enhanced my learning of the subject. Quizzes actually worked as a very helpful way to review. Most classes do not have this and you are stuck relearning everything at the end of the semester. I think Professor Malley was engaging. I appreciated that she lectured and then went over practice questions from the textbook. In the class Prof. Malley was clear, concise and used ample examples to help with understanding. class is very informative, the practice problem review in the last week was very helpful
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