LAW-0 Legal Practice Skills Mr. Timothy Bolen, Prof. Sabrina DeFabritiis, Ms. Lisa DeMari, Ms. Christine Durkin, Prof. Shailini Jandial George, Prof. Rosa Kim, Mr. John B. Koss, Ms. Lisa Ann Maki, Prof. Samantha A. Moppett, Prof. Dyane O'Leary, Prof. Gabriel H. Teninbaum, Prof. Kathleen Elliott Vinson, 5 credits day; 5 credits evening. The Legal Practice Skills Program is a two-semester, three-credit program for first year students including (a) an orientation to law school, the sources of law, and the study of law; (b) instruction in the use of the law library and legal research tools; (c) practice in issue analysis and the writing of legal memoranda; (d) preparation of trial briefs and oral arguments; and (e) an introduction to computerized legal research systems. The program is designed to prepare the student for the writing and research work expected of the modern practitioner.

Required Course

Final Paper Required


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