LAW-2247 Land Use Prof. Bernard V. Keenan, 3 credits day; 3 credits evening.

The final grade is based solely on the final examination performance.

This course covers the analysis of case law and relevant legislative materials relating to various topics including variances, special permits, nonconforming uses, amendments, spot zoning, interim zoning, contract zoning, exactions and fees, condominiums and zoning, growth controls, cluster zoning, intergovernmental zoning conflicts, exclusionary and inclusionary zoning. Faculty comments : The Land Use course does not assume a student’s knowledge of or familiarity with the subject matter. Classroom pedagogy involves a mix of lecture, Q&A and problem solving. A student’s course grade is determined solely by the student’s performance on an in-class, three-hour closed-book examination. The subject matter of the course is outlined in the course description. It should be noted that classroom emphasis is focused on practice- oriented issues, in addition to consideration of the theoretical underpinnings of the subject matter.

Elective Course

Final Exam Required


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