LAW-2788 Government Lawyer: Legislation Mr. Jamie David Hoag, 2 credits day; 2 credits evening.

The course will examine the role of the government lawyer in turning a policy proposal into a law or regulation, highlighting the role of the Governor's legal counsel in the legislative drafting and review process. A particular focus will be placed on the legal and political issues that arise in balancing the roles of state and federal governments, including federal preemption, unfunded mandates, and promoting the role of states as the laboratories of democracy and innovation. Students will be tasked with turning a policy proposal into draft legislation with an analysis of the political and practical impacts of the proposed legislation. The course will also include an examination of the ethical questions the government lawyer confronts with a focus on the Massachusetts conflict of interest law and the rules and regulations governing state and municipal employees.

Faculty comments : Students will be graded 20 percent on participation and the remainder on a final paper in which they will analyze a public policy issue and draft legislation to address it.

Elective Course

Final Paper Required


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