2024-2025 Faculty Exam & Grading Guide
It is not uncommon for any one examination to have students located in multiple locations in addition to theregularly assigned classroom. Should an error be discovered during an examination the Office of AcademicServices staff must locate and notify all students taking the examination. Students may either type (using ExamSoft) or handwrite examinations. Students who are provided with exam accommodations either type or handwrite examinations in separate classrooms, in a private room or in a distraction reduced environment. A handwriting book is provided to students who experience problems with his/her laptop during the exam.
Writing Books Used 1. Yellow, blue, pink, green, salmon
2. A white supplemental book is used when students need a second book
Academic Integrity
At the end of every examination each student must sign the following Academic Integrity Statement:
I hereby certify that the entirety of this examination is my own work and that I have complied with all applicable exam regulations and the Academic Integrity Policy. I confirm that I have not given aid to or received aid from others, not used ideas or phrasing suggested by technology (e.g., artificial intelligence), except for spelling and grammatical corrections, or as expressly authorized in writing by the course instructor. Students with remote or take-home exams are required to electronically submit the academic integrity statement within two hours of completing the examination. Students taking in-person exams will sign the academic integrity card at the end of the examination. All exam materials will be collected by the proctor before the student may check out of the exam room. Examination Schedule A tentative exam schedule is available at the time of registration and is rarely changed. The Fall 2024 examination schedule is available. Students are cautioned not to schedule any commitments during the examination period which may interfere with their exam schedule. A Snow Make-Up Day is scheduled in December, should examinations be postponed due to inclement weather. Examinations are scheduled Monday-Saturday. No exams are held on Sundays. Students who are unable to takeexams on certain days for religious reasons, or who have 3 proctored examinations within a 53 hour period, or who have extreme extenuating circumstances may submit an Examination Reschedule Request form to move anexamination to the next available Make-Up date. Students should never contact any faculty member regarding an exam reschedule as it will destroy anonymity in the exam process. Students who reschedule an examination will be eligible to use ExamSoft for the rescheduled exam provided the missed examination is rescheduled to the make-up date immediately following the original examination date.
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