2024-2025 Faculty Exam & Grading Guide


• Mock examinations will no longer be scheduledby the Office of Academic Services and it is expected that faculty will administer these examinations in class.

• A Teaching Assistant in a course in which a midterm exam is administered is required to assist the Office ofAcademic Services with this process. For those faculty who do not have a Teaching Assistant, the Office of Academic Services will hire proctors for the administration of the examination.

• ExamSoft is available to students for Midterm Examinations.

• Students will be assigned secondary unique examination numbers for all midterm examinations. A secondary examination number will not be provided for mock examinations; it is expected that students willuse their student ID number for mock examinations.

• No more than 50% of assessment/midterm grades may be applied to the final grade for the course.

• Midterm examinations are assigned terms i.e. Fall Law 2024 or Spring Law 2025.

Multiple Choice Examinations

Exams that contain a multiple-choice component either as the entire examination or in part,will no longer be administered via “scantron.” Students will now respond to multiple choice questions by inputting answers directly into ExamSoft, which like scantrons only allow for 5 possible answers (A-E). The answer key must be submitted to the Office of Academic Services with the examination. Multiple choice answer keys will not be accepted by email or in text form.

Take Home Exams, Papers & Projects

Take Home Examinations that are anonymous will be managed through Appointlink and faculty will have the option, as in the past, to allocate 24, 48, 72 hours, etc., for student completion. Appointlink will manage the student download of the examination and the student upload of the examination to conform to faculty specifications. This means that if a take home examination is a 24 hour examination and the student can select any 24 hours within a window of time, (e.g., one week), this can now be managed automatically. Once completed, student take home examination answers will be downloaded from Appointlink by the Office of Academic Services and sent to faculty by email.

Faculty will be required to submit typed, administrative instructions 10-14 days prior to the beginning of the exam period to the Assistant Dean for Academic Services.

Sample questions that have been raised in the past regarding take-home examinations include:

1. With whom can students speak or consult with during a take-home examination?

2. Can students speak to a lawyer-relative?

3. Is consultation considered research?

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