2024-2025 Faculty Exam & Grading Guide


Grading Policy for Elective Courses: Faculty entering grades in courses with 25 students or more will be alerted by the Appointlink application if they have departed from the applicable grading curve. Appointlink will prompt faculty who depart from the curve to submit a request for a “Conformity Exemption” before grades can be recorded.

2. B+ median: In courses other than those covered by paragraph 1 of this Policy and having an enrollment of25 or more students, the required median final course grade is B+.

3. 2:1 ratio of grades above and below B+: In courses other than those covered by paragraph 1 of this Policy and having an enrollment of 25 or more students, the number of grades above B+ shall be no more than two times the number of grades below B+, and the number of grades below B+ shall be no more than two times thenumber of grades above B+. 4. Recommended adherence : In courses other than those covered by paragraph 1 of this Policy and having an enrollment of at least 15 and no more than 24 students, adherence to the B+ median and grading ratio set forth in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Policy is strongly recommended, except for courses defined as experiential coursesunder these Rules. 5. Courses with graduating students : Where an instructor submits an incomplete roster of final grades due to the early deadline for submitting the grades of graduating students, the instructor should make good faith judgments based on facts and circumstances in an effort to achieve compliance with the mandatory B+ medianand grading ratio limit. 6. The policies set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 of this Policy do not apply to the following courses: Advanced Survey of Core Legal Principles; Clinical Program courses; Fundamentals of Law; Introduction to US Law; Legal Analysis & Methods; and Legal Practice Skills.


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