2023 - 2024 Proctor Training Guide

During the Examination

• Contact OAS (8160) if there are any issues.

• Late comers to examination room: ask the student if they can finish with the remaining time allotted; if not, refer the student to the Dean of Student Affairs Office, 4 th floor. Please include this information in the Proctor Report. • CONTINOUSLY walk around the room from back to front. Proctors should remain alert at all times, and should not be reading or doing personal work. No talking, eating, or disturbing students. • Provide supplemental books as needed. All available space must have been used in the answer book before a supplemental book can be issued. If a supplemental book is issued, the proctor must indicate on the cover of the supplemental books the following:

• Only ONE student may be out of the room at a time. Proctors must use the Student Sign-Out Sheet (see page 27) to sign students out and in with the correct time. Be mindful of any students out of the room for more than a few minutes. Call OAS (8160) if a student has not returned to the room within a few minutes. • Have handwriting books ready if you see a student raise their hand for assistance. DO NOT attempt to troubleshoot Examplify issues. Immediately provide a handwriting book and tell the student to start writing. Use the screen to page a technician for assistance.

• Earplugs – only those provided by SULS can be used.

• Students may not remove pages from the examination answer book or test book.

• Student questions/concerns regarding exam questions: If multiple students have the same concern/question about an exam question please call OAS (8160). Otherwise, students should be instructed to respond to the question based on how they interpret it and to make this clear in their response. In instances where the question is a multiple choice question please note this on the Proctor Report.

• Serious illness: call SUPD (3070) first, then OAS (8160).

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