2023 2024 Faculty Exam and Grading Guide


Incomplete Grades Any paper or other project required for a final grade in a course must be submitted no later than the end of the examination period for the semester in which the course is taken. If, for compelling reasons (other than a disability accommodation, which must first be requested through the law school’s disability coordinator), the instructor allows an extension of time to complete the paper or project, the extension may be for a period no longer than 90 days from the end of the examination period. No further extension may be granted unless approved by the Assistant Dean for Academic Services, the Dean of Students or an Associate Dean for extraordinary reasons. During any extension, the course grade will be recorded temporarily as “Incomplete.” However, if by the end of the examination period or extension, the paper or project has not been submitted, a grade of NO CREDIT (F) will be recorded.

Student Codes

The following student codes appear on class rosters and grading rosters to identify those grades that may be needed earlier than the due date for graduation purposes.


First Year Day


Visiting Students


Second Year Day


Foreign Educated Attorneys


Third Year Day


Exchange Students


First Year Evening




Second Year Evening




Third Year Evening




Fourth Year Evening

Grade Notification to Students

Faculty may not release grades to any student prior to distribution by the Office of Academic Services. Faculty may not enter midterm or final grades on Canvas.

Grade Changes

Grade changes are permitted in instances of a clerical error only and with the approval of the Academic Associate Deans.

Legal Writing Requirement

Some students’ papers submitted for grades may satisfy a student’s legal writing requirement for graduation. As you enter your grades on Web Advisor for paper courses, you are able to change the student legal writing requirement status of “F” (filed) to “WRC” (Writing Requirement Completed) if the pa per has satisfied this requirement. Go to the LWR box to the right of your grade entry and change the “F” to “WRC” if completed. This will eliminate the need for you to file additional paperwork with the Office of Academic Services. The student’s legal writing requirement status of “F” indicates the student submitted a form to the Office of Academic Services with the intention of fulfilling the legal writing requirement in your course. If there is no “F” status you do not need to do anything. Selecting the option to indicate that a student has completed the Legal Writing Requirement serves as certification that the student's written work was completed under your close supervision and meets the standards of the Legal Writing Requirements.


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