2017 - 2018 Faculty Exam and Grading Guide


Incomplete Grades Any paper or other project required for a final grade in a course must be submitted no later than the end of the examination period for the semester in which the course is taken. If, for compelling reasons (other than a disability accommodation, which must first be requested through the law school’s disability coordinator), the instructor allows an extension of time to complete the paper or project, the extension may be for a period no longer than 90 days from the end of the examination period. No further extension may be granted unless approved by the Assistant Dean for Academic Services, the Dean of Students or an Associate Dean for extraordinary reasons. During any extension, the course grade will be recorded temporarily as “Incomplete.” However, if by the end of the examination period or extension, the paper or project has not been submitted, a grade of NO CREDIT (F) will be recorded. Grading Policy 1. Required Courses: Faculty members assigning grades in Civil Procedure, Constitutional Law, Contracts, Criminal Law, Property, and Torts must follow the minimum/maximum number of students per grade based on the grading policy. Faculty members must assign grades within the specified grade range, based on the enrollment for the course. A Grade Distribution form will be included with the grading roster for completion, as well as a copy of the prior semester’s grade distribution for each course and faculty member. 5% to 10% of enrolled students can receive an A

20% to 25% of enrolled students can receive an A– or higher 35% to 45% of enrolled students can receive a B+ and higher 65% to 70% of enrolled students can receive a B and higher 30% to 35% of enrolled students can receive a B– and lower 20 to 25% of enrolled students can receive a C+ and higher 10% to 16% of enrolled students can receive a C and lower 0% to 12% of enrolled students can receive a C– and lower

Grades for required courses will not be verified for posting until the Grade Distribution form is submitted. Every course in the Required Curriculum subject to the mandatory curve is likely to result in some unsatisfactory grades. This is not a requirement, however, and a faculty member might not have unsatisfactory grades in any particular semester if in their view circumstances do not warrant the assignment of them. 2. B+ median: In courses other than those covered by paragraph 1 of this Policy and having an enrollment of 25 or more students, the required median final course grade is B+. 3. 2:1 ratio of grades above and below B+: In courses other than those covered by paragraph 1 of this Policy and having an enrollment of 25 or more students, the number of grades above B+ shall be no more than two times the number of grades below B+, and the number of grades below B+ shall be no more than two times the number of grades above B+. 4. Recommended adherence : In courses other than those covered by paragraph 1 of this Policy and having an enrollment of at least 15 and no more than 24 students, adherence to the B+ median and grading ratio set forth in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Policy is strongly recommended, except for courses defined as experiential courses under these Rules.

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